Together Again - Mason Mount

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When Chelsea won the Champions League, you knew Mason was planning to get a tattoo to remember the special moment. You had no idea that he'd be able to convince you to do the same. The day came for his permanent reminder of winning so you tagged along, letting his childlike grin put you at ease about potentially getting something done as well. A couple of hours later you'd both leave the tattoo studio with fresh ink on your skin, his taking up a big portion of his side while yours was a fraction of the size but a near replica with minor tweaks. In your mind it was you and Mason against the world and nothing could break you apart so the tattoo didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Yet life seemed to enjoy ruining everything good as your once great relationship with Mason fell to pieces months after the Champions League win.


Life keeps going, you find other things to occupy your time and before you know it its been a couple of years. Seeing the tattoo that used to mean everything in the mirror doesn't bother you anymore. No one bothers you like they did right after the break up, meaning that your privacy has once again been restored to what it was before you met Mason all of those years ago. At least that's what you believe, your friends not telling you otherwise to protect you from the media vultures that can't stop speculating things about you and any guy who isn't the Chelsea midfielder. It's during a girls holiday that you finally get thrown into the reality of the situation.

"Okay get closer babes, this is gonna be the best one" your one friend exclaims as the five of you scoot closer to each other for a photo to remember this trip. Your side is on display as you throw your arm across a shoulder while smiling towards the camera, the Champions League tattoo that you've been hiding for years on full display because of the angle and bikini that you're wearing. "Perfect, now lets go relax" your other friend mumbles making everyone laugh, you grin while walking back over to the lounger that you were falling asleep on due to the rocking of the boat the five of you rented for the afternoon. "We need to come to Spain more often" you say and hear your friends agree, you sigh and drop your sunglasses over your eyes then tilt your head back to soak in the sun. "Tagging you in the photo Y/N!" your friend shouts, "alright" you reply unaware how it'll blow up in a couple of hours because of Mason's fans.


When you get back to your flat in South London a couple of days after the holiday, your phone chimes a dozen times. The continuous sound makes you furrow your brows as you unlock the device to see the messages in your group chat with your friends.

Shit Y/N I didn't think this would happen

His fans have no life

Don't look at social media babe

You feel your heart drop at the last message, remembering the comments after your break up with Mason. The fingers that were instantly pointed at you for breaking the golden boy's heart. You hold back from going on instagram, instead typing up a reply to your friends.

What are you talking about?

There are a few dots showing that someone is typing, you bite your lip, anxiously waiting for an explanation.

Chelsea fans saw my photo of us, and your Champions League tattoo...

They connected the dots Y/N

Your head spins slightly at the texts so you sit down on your sofa to gather your thoughts. In a moment of weakness you open up Instagram, your notifications going off instantly. You tap the first one that shows you've been tagged in a post to be met with a cropped photo of you from your vacation next to a photo of a shirtless Mason, both of your tattoos highlighted. The caption explaining the history between you two before questioning if you would ever get back together. Your phone ringing makes you come back to reality, your one friend's name popping up on the screen. With a flick of your finger you accept the call, "please tell me you're okay" she says immediately, "I'm fine, just hate when people assume things" you reply, "you looked didn't you?" a sigh leaves your lips in response, "I couldn't help it" she sighs too and you frown, "it'll blow over babe" the reassurance does nothing to make you feel better, "now he has to deal with the consequences" she stays silent so you keep talking, "I don't want him to think that I did it for attention, half the time I forget about the tattoo because I'm so used to it" you babble while fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. "Y/N it'll work itself out, Mason's a big boy he deals with this all the time I'm sure" you sigh again while sinking into the cushions of your sofa, "yeah you're right" she says goodbye but not before telling you to stay off social media for a couple of days.


The anxiety that arose when your past relationship with Mason was brought to light disappeared a couple of days later. Your friends insisting that you need to do something to forget the stress of the situation, at first they want to go to a club but you convince them that a nice dinner is enough.

Everything changes when the five of you leave the fancy restaurant that was chosen, your laughter echoing into the night. As you wait for your Uber you start to regret the dress choice, the cutouts at your sides a perfect place for the cooler wind to hit your skin. While your focus is on staying warm you don't notice a group of guys leaving the same restaurant you were in moments earlier. "Y/N?" you look up at the voice, your breath catching when you spot a familiar pair of brown eyes on you, "Mase" he grins before striding over. When he's standing in front of you, all of the memories you shoved to the back of your mind come flooding back. You don't notice your friends backing away as the Chelsea midfielder's smile becomes sheepish, "I'm sorry about the fans" is the first thing he mentions but you shake your head and place a hand on his arm, "it's not your fault they're such good detectives" he laughs in response making your heart come alive after such a long time. "How've you been?" you shrug while smiling up at him, "good, just working when I'm not fending off Chels fans" he smiles then looks down to where your hand is still on his arm, you pull your hand away and blush, "oops", he chuckles, "that's good" you nod and the two of you fall into a silence.

"How's Summer?" Mason smiles at the mention of his niece, "she's getting so big" you smile too, "she misses you an awful lot" he adds quietly which tugs at your heartstrings, "I miss you too Y/N" you furrow your brows and wrap your arms around yourself not saying anything because you don't know what to say. "Fuck, I know I have no right to miss you since I was the one that pushed you away, but when I played on the pitch knowing that you weren't there at the end made me realize how badly i've ruined things" you sigh then drop your arms to your sides, "I never stopped missing you Mason, I only got good at hiding it" his fingers brush against yours softly, the touch making your heart flutter while you peer up at him. He smiles hesitantly so you lace your fingers through his before stepping closer, "d'you think you could forgive me?" Mason asks quietly while rubbing his thumbs along the backs of your hands, "I forgave you awhile ago, but I want this time to be different" you reply and he nods, "we're older now, lets be honest and communicate, no more disappearing" you add. "Anything for you baby" he murmurs and lifts a hand to cradle the side of your head, you smile then close the distance to press your lips to his, he tightens his hold around you while your lips move in sync.

Whistles and cheering ring out around you two, making you smile and break the kiss, you blush when you notice yours and Mason's friends watching the whole reunion. The midfielder drops a couple more kisses to the side of your head as his hand finds your skin where the Champions League tattoo sits, "Dinner this week?" he asks so that only you can hear, "i'd like that" you reply and he drops a soft kiss to your lips before his hands leave your body, "I gotta take care of them" he explains while gesturing to his friends, "wow I never would've guessed that" you say cheekily, he laughs then turns around, giving time for your friends to pull you into a hug. "Living for this reunion!" one of your friends' exclaims making you smile, "me too" you mumble and let them pull you to the waiting Uber, your thoughts full of Mason and how happy you are that you found each other again. You look back over your shoulder one last time, spotting Mason who winks at you, a smile coming to your face as you turn back to your friends.

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