The Time of Our Lives 1 - Mason Mount

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It was your best friend's idea to book a couple of weeks off from work to go accomplish the top thing on your bucket list- going to every premier league stadium - and you thought it was too much. She didn't let you complain, insisting that it's her birthday gift to you, her planning skills coming out in full force to ensure maximum efficiency while travelling. Your complaints eventually stopped for excitement to grow as the trip neared, packing getting done in phases so that you'd be ready for that early morning on the day of travel.


Once you've hit up the first stadium in the UK with your best friend you feel good about getting through the rest. Unfortunately you learn quickly that it's exhausting and that there are way more Premier League teams than you thought, even though you helped plan the trip. The small breaks between teams is a relief and are spent exploring small towns and getting souvenirs for people back home. Your best friend makes sure that plenty of photos are taken where it seems fitting, so at every stadium you visit and other fascinating locations around the country.

"I could sleep for a month" you say while your friend makes a quick meal using the kitchen in the small rental apartment you're staying at. "You'd miss the rest of the stadiums though, and that would be really tragic" she explains so you sigh, "you know what? I may be exhausted but this has been hands down one of the best vacations, thanks for coming with" she turns around while smiling, "don't get all sappy y/n, we've still got time" you shrug and she goes back to cooking. "Plus we haven't found ourselves any hot British men yet" she adds making you snort then shake your head, "I'm not looking for a man, I just want to get these stadiums done and still be standing at the end" you reply, "okay but what if you find said man at one of our last stadiums?" you shrug then lean your elbows on the small table where you're sitting to watch her cook, "doubt it, but also I can't be bothered" she rolls her eyes but doesn't bug you further about your lack of a love life.


It was just outside of Stamford Bridge where everything took a turn. Your best friend insists that you take a cheesy photo with the oversized photo of one of the players. Any kind of urge to fight her on it doesn't appear because you know it will make her happy at the end of all of this. What neither of you notice are the group of guys in very obvious practice uniforms approaching. It's when you place your hands on the huge mural and press a kiss to the photo you briefly spot them and think nothing of it, continuing to be goofy for the pictures that your friend is taking.

"Okay I'm calling it, we've gotta go" you tell her from your spot, "but this is so funny, no other club has this kinda thing" she whines making you roll your eyes. "She's right you know" the new voice makes you tense up before turning towards the person. Once you look over your breath hitches at the three men wearing matching outfits donning the Chelsea logo. "Shit" you whisper as you realize the one that spoke is the one you jokingly kissed seconds earlier. "Don't worry love, Mase gets that reaction often" the man next to mural guy says making you scoff, "shut up mate" the man I now know as Mase mumbles then shoves him. Suddenly your best friend's arm is across your shoulders, "whats happening over here?" she asks while grinning, "uhhh well I only know Mase right now, don't know his buddies" you reply drawing her attention to the three men.

You watch her eyes widen in recognition but she's interrupted before she can say anything, "I'm Ben and the other one over there is Kai" you smile in uncertainty but your friend immediately steps forward to shake their hands. "You lovely ladies aren't from around here with those accents, what brings you to our lovely abode" Ben asks, "this one wanted to go to all the Prem League stadiums and it was my gift to her" your friend replies, making their attention shift back to you. A blush appears on your cheeks at the unwanted attention, "I didn't think I'd embarrass myself like this in the process" you mumble wanting the ground to swallow you up at the moment. "Honestly I'd say this is fate" she exclaims happily and before you can respond she takes your hand to pull you in closer to the group.

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