Enchanté (2) - Daniel Ricciardo

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After telling your roommate the next morning about your plans with Daniel, she insists that you take a change of clothes with you. When you start to moan about not wanting to take a whole extra outfit with you but she doesn't give you a choice pushing clothes into your bag and sending you out the door. Once you step into your first job at the cafe across town, your manager greets you with a smile, the rush having passed minutes earlier. As you stuff your things into a locker your phone vibrates, making you jump to grab it a grin appearing on your face when you see Daniel's name next to a text.


Morning Y/N


Good morning Daniel

Before you can get pulled into a whole conversation you zip the phone into a bag pocket and close the locker tying your work apron around you. Stepping out into the cafe brings a smile to your face while joining your co-worker behind the counter. "You ready for another day of this?" she asks making you laugh, "bring it on" you reply with a fist pump, making her laugh too.

Mid way through the shift your manager asks you to grab some stock from the back. As you carry the restock your co-worker bursts through the swinging door nearly knocking you over. "Shit Daniel Ricciardo is out there" she exclaims quietly, "wait what does he do again?" you ask, she rolls her eyes, "drives fast cars, shouldn't you know this? your roommate is gaga for this man" you shrug without dropping anything. "Whatever, take these and i'll be out in a bit" she huffs but takes the stock making you giggle and turn back to the list of things you need to bring out. A couple of minutes later you carry the remainder out to the counter, "babe you missed one gorgeous man" your co-worker murmurs as she helps you unpack everything, "i'm sure he'll be back eventually and then i'll see him" you explain shrugging again. The two of you fall silent as you stock up and go through the rest of your shift without anymore celebrity spotings.


The clock strikes 2 and you throw off your apron and gather your belongings. Knowing that the quicker you leave the sooner you can get to the coffee shop to meet Daniel. You give a brief goodbye to everyone before leaving the cafe with your mind set on the man you are very much looking forward to seeing. This is the moment you wish you worked closer to where you live so that the commute would be shorter, but you suck it up and find the fastest route to the other side of town.

"I'm here" you breathe out when you stand outside the front door of the coffee shop. You bend over to catch your breath for a second before standing and trying to act like you haven't been running when you go into the familiar shop. "Did you run here?" you jump slightly at the deep voice, placing a hand to your chest as you look up at Daniel. "What no" you say with a wave of your hand, "I saw you Y/N" he replies with a tilt of his head, you blush and avoid his dark brown eyes, finding a familiar logo on his sweatshirt. "Wait is that" you ask as you look up, he smiles and nods, "it sure is the same thing you were wearing yesterday" he replies, "let's sit and I'll explain" he adds when you open your mouth to ask a million questions. You smile under your mask and follow him to an open table by a window, "I got you the same thing as me, I hope that's okay?" you flop into the seat with a sigh, "that's perfect, I'm sure I'll love it" he sits across from you and places the cups down. You grab the paper cup while leaning forward, warming your hands even though it's a solid 20 degrees celsius, "so-" "Daniel?" you turn to the voice that overlapped with yours to see a teenage girl standing by the table shyly, "hey what's up?" he replies, "can I get a picture?" she asks while blushing. The question makes you raise your eyebrows in surprise, watching the interaction with added interest as Daniel stands, not getting too close as she takes a selfie before thanking him and walking away with a skip in her step.

When Daniel sits down again you turn your head to look at him with wide eyes. "What am I missing here?" you ask, "this sweater is from MY merch collection" he replies while placing his hands on the table, "no that would mean..." you start with furrowed eyebrows not bothering to finish the sentence. "Mhmm that's me, The Ricciardo guy your roommate is a fan of" he says with a shrug, you bring your hands up to tug at your hair, "wait what are you doing in LA shouldn't you be in Europe or something?" he chuckles, "it's our mid season break, we have a few weeks off" you lower your hands drumming your fingers on the tabletop, a nervous tick you've developed over time. "Y/N" you don't hear him as your mind is overrun with too many thoughts, "Y/N?" he tries again with no luck. When his hands take hold of yours you finally get brought back to the present, your eyes meeting his, "it doesn't matter what I do for a living, let's pretend we're just a guy and a girl on a coffee date" he says attempting to calm your nerves, you bite your lip and he squeezes your hand. "Yeah okay I can do that" you say with a small smile that he can't see through your mask, "fantastic, now tell me something I don't know" he exclaims, excitement showing in his eyes while he leans in.

You only have enough time to give him a brief idea of who you are before you need to leave to your second job. "Let me drive you there" Daniel exclaims while you stand up with your bag in hand, "you don't need to" you reply not wanting to inconvenience him, "Y/N I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to" you look up at him to see the smile lines by his eyes, he holds out a hand while lifting his eyebrow in question. After some deliberation that takes way too long you slide your hand into his, he gently leads you out of the coffee shop to where you assume his car is parked. When he turns the corner he pulls out a sleek key fob, he presses a button and the lights on the shiny blue sports car a few feet away turn on, you look at the car in awe taking in every detail as you're brought closer. When he opens the scissor door for you, you throw your hands up, "nope i'm out I can't" you say making Daniel laugh as you back away, "why not Y/N?" he asks while easily catching you around the waist, "because that door probably costs more than the whole apartment building that I live in" he shakes his head in disbelief, "if you don't get in you're going to be late" at his statement you forget about your hesitation and slide into the passenger seat watching Daniel close the door before jogging around to the driver's side.


Hours later you step into the apartment, leaning heavily against the closed front door as you drop your stuff on the ground. "Y/N!" you groan in response to your roommate's shouting standing upright as you kick off your shoes and walk further into the apartment. "You better have a good reason why you didn't tell me that your Daniel is THE Daniel that I happen to love" she exclaims while pouring her finger at me angrily, "I swear I didn't know! Wait how did you know?" You reply not having told her what you found out today. "Oh you underestimate the internet and his fan base babe, the pictures were up within minutes" she replies, "shit I looked like crap after the cafe" you mumble while sitting on the couch next to her, "nah you looked gorgeous don't worry" you snort and she pushes her phone into your face.

Once you focus on the screen you see a photo of you and Daniel sitting across from each other, leaning in while talking, your smile on display because you took your mask off to drink the coffee and his still hooked on one ear, your hands gently woven together. "Fuck that's a cute picture" you say and toss her phone back before leaning back into the couch, "it is, I don't think I've ever seen you so happy after knowing someone for not even two days" she exclaims making you blush slightly and fiddle with the blanket draped over the arm of the couch. "Its too good to be true" you say not looking into her eyes, she takes your hand tightly, "you met him when he was only Daniel, nothing changed, you just found out what he does for a living and sure it's way more than you expected but it seems like you guys get along really well and don't think that I don't know about you texting him in the middle of the night" she says with a playful wink, you smile still keeping your gaze on your lap, "why are you always right?" she laughs and brings you into a hug, "take a chance on him Y/N, I want this so much for you" you look at your friend still feeling fear when thinking about taking that leap for Daniel. "You'll figure it out babe, if he's what you want you should move those mountains for that chance" she murmurs before standing and leaving the room, your thoughts being the only thing filling the silence surrounding you.

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