Just Friends (1) - Daniel Ricciardo

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A/N kinda sorta loosely based on Olivia O'Brien's song Just Friends which I attached up top 💕

You're woken up when the sun shines through the curtains and into your eyes. Shortly after your phone alarm goes off making you groan while opening your eyes. You reach your hand out to the nightstand stopping the alarm before you rotate towards the window in your bedroom, your eyes see the still messy sheets next to you and you tell yourself that it doesn't bother you. That was your's and Daniel's deal,  just friends, because he doesn't have the time to be in a committed relationship while he's constantly travelling. You drag yourself out of bed to get your day started, which means changing into your work attire before making a quick breakfast.

As soon as you walk into the university building where you hold your lecture a gut feeling tells you that today won't be easy. The feeling proved to be right because your normally behaved and engaged sport policy students seemed to be in their own world while you attempted to teach them the newest lesson you organized. By the time the lecture is done you're grateful that you don't have any more courses to teach until tomorrow.

Once you have packed up your lecture materials you walk out of the hall and make your way to your office to send some emails and respond to any questions sent by students. Somewhere in that time of sitting in your office you think about Daniel your gaze automatically moving to the Renault race flag you have pinned on the wall. Which the Australian gave you at your first race when you tagged along with one of your friends who introduced the two of you. The thought makes you shake your head to get back to work related tasks you need to complete before going back to your place.


A few weeks later Daniel shows up at your door smiling, you let him in without hesitation even if your heart might not be able to handle the agreement anymore. "Hey Y/N" he exclaims and hugs you tightly, "hey mr. first place" you reply into his shoulder. He pulls away slightly, "you watched?" you roll your eyes, "you're my best friend of course I did" he smiles again and fully let's go of you walking further into your apartment. You watch him sit on the couch throwing his arm across the top while tilting his head back, you bite your lip and look down at your feet telling yourself to stop feeling anything for the Formula 1 driver.

"Come on lets watch something Y/N" you look up at Daniel's voice and walk over to sit next to him, "you're choice since you won" you tell him while handing over the TV remote. His teeth dig into his bottom lip as he scrolls through the options on your smart TV."How was the lecture?" He suddenly asks his gaze flicking over to you briefly, "no one was really paying attention, which sucked but I got through it and hopefully they retained something for their sake and mine" you reply before letting out a sigh, he frowns, "I'm sure they did, don't let it bring you down" you smile slightly just wanting to move on from the subject. "How did you celebrate your win?" He smiles his eyes lighting up as he turns to you, "went out with some of the guys but then I just ended up playing video games with Esteban before going to bed" you nod looking down at your hands, which are in your lap, "seems pretty tame for you" he laughs making your smile become more genuine, "tell me about it babe, the guys keep teasing me about getting old" the fluttering in your stomach quickens at the pet name he calls you occasionally. "You're not getting old, because that means I'm getting old" you say while looking up at the Australian, "we can be old together" he exclaims and brings you to his side in a quick movement, you blush placing a hand on his hoodie clad chest, "whatever makes you sleep at night Danny" he chuckles the sound warming your heart.

The two of you get into your bed two hours later you only wearing some booty shorts and a cropped tank top and Daniel just in his underwear. You automatically curl up against his chest, like most nights when he stays over, while his arms come around you his cheek at your temple. "Goodnight buttercup" he says quietly making you smile, "night honey badger" he presses a light kiss to your temple before shifting slightly to get comfortable. You hold in your sigh as you listen to Daniel's heartbeat the skin to skin contact you share making you wish you were something more.


Daniel's POV

The phone alarm goes off so I carefully reach over to turn it off before sliding out of Y/N's bed. Once I've put on my clothes from yesterday I lean over her side of the bed pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, something that I usually never do when I leave. I watch a smile appear on her face bringing a smile to my face as well as I walk out of the bedroom shutting the door quietly. I take my bag and leave the apartment to go meet Michael for training.

Once I get back to my apartment, Michael is already sitting at the kitchen counter. "Well well well, where have you been?" He asks, "with Y/N" I reply and go change into clothes that are more appropriate for training. "Dan" your friend and personal trainer says with a knowing look when you're changed, "what it's nothing, we made this deal and have stuck with it for months" I say ignoring anything that he's implying. He sighs but doesn't say anything when we leave the apartment to get running. As the Monte Carlo wind hits my face I can't help but think about the woman I left in bed , her smile appearing in my head making me wonder why we made the stupid deal in the first place. "You need to tell her mate" I shake my head looking at Michael, "how did you-" he lifts an eyebrow, "the expression on your face says it all" he says. I groan focusing on where we're going trying to unwind my web of twisted feelings.


Your POV

Your alarm goes off and you groan curling your arms around your pillow stuffing your face into it. When you've had enough of the alarm sound you sit up tap your phone to silence it. You bring your hair up into a ponytail as you slide out of your bed your eyes flicking to where Daniel was last night before you get dressed. As you're putting on some makeup you stop to look at your work in the mirror, your thoughts veering to the Australian man with the loud laugh and bright smile. You look into your own eyes pursing your lips your eyebrows furrowed thinking that you've been an idiot this whole time. After taking a deep breath to compose yourself you step away from the bathroom mirror putting away your makeup and tightening your ponytail one last time before going to make some breakfast.

Your phone vibrates in your pocket when you're walking out of your last lecture of the day. You bring out your phone to see a text message waiting from Michael. Unlocking your phone you tap the messaging app going into the conversation,

You need to tell him how you feel

He made it clear that he doesn't want a relationship

People change Y/N, he might just surprise you

Your eyebrows lift at the end of the text, getting a feeling that he knows something you don't.

What aren't you telling me?

Please talk to him

You huff but put away your phone before leaving the building a determined look on your face as you get into your car one location on your mind...

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