Sleepless Nights - Mason Mount

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It's been a couple of months since you and Mason split. You were certain at the time that it was all for the best. The expectations were becoming too much on both sides of the relationship and it started to have a negative affect. Things with Mason were never bad, but the distance started to appear so you made the decision to end the relationship. At first you were sad about letting him go then over time you convinced yourself that your life was fine without him.


It's during a night in May that all of that convincing you did was for nothing. Sometimes you had nights where your thoughts overwhelmed you, because of them you couldn't sleep at all. They started happening when you were at Uni, there was nothing you could do to sleep on those awful nights. At least not until you met Mason halfway through your last year. In his arms you were able to forget about the never ending thoughts crowding your mind. They miraculously stopped happening while being with him, one of the many things that you were thankful for in that relationship. That's why you didn't expect one to happen.

After what feels like endless tossing and turning, you throw your hands up to cover your face. Tears of frustration build up behind your eyes and for the first time in months you wish Mason was here. Even though you do everything you absolutely can to stop the tears from falling a few of them sneak down your cheek. In your helpless mood you reach for your phone, blindly typing in Mason's number before bringing the device to your ear. While you wait for him to answer you start to feel like you've made a mistake but before you can hang up his groggy voice sounds through the speaker. "Hello?" hearing the familiar voice breaks the dam that was holding your tears at bay, "Mase I know we're broken up and it's selfish of me to call you like this but my mind won't turn off and I didn't know what else to do" you say through sobs and hiccups. There's shuffling on his end before you hear a zipper then a door shutting, "I'm coming Y/N" is what he finally says making you feel like a monster, "you don't ne-" "i'm already in the car love, I'll be there soon" he explains while cutting you off, "thanks Mase" you murmur and hear him hum before the call ends.

As promised Mason shows up at your place a couple of minutes later. When you open the door for him he smiles sleepily, his hair still ruffled adorably. Your bottom lip trembles slightly as you blink a couple of times to try to stop any tears that want to fall. He immediately pulls you against his chest to hug you tightly. "Let's get you to bed baby" he murmurs before pressing a gentle kiss to your head. His affectionate gesture takes you back to a happier time that you haven't been able to replicate on your own. He doesn't wait for you to reply before taking your hand, softly shutting the door to your flat behind him. The way he squeezes your hand as he leads you to your room sends a familiar surge up your arm and to your heart. No words are spoken as Mason layers down then tugs you to your bed. You find the familiar spot against his chest and he brings his hand to your back, gently trailing his fingers along your spine. "I thought the sleepless nights were over" you mumble which breaks the silence. "The mind works in weird ways Y/N" Mason replies so you sigh then move your fingers to trace his Champions League tattoo, something you used to do when you were together. "It's probably some kind of sign that we should've stayed together" he chuckles quietly, "a god awful way to tell us" you nod into him then turn your head to yawn missing the smile that appears on his face. "You've got some kind of magical power Mase" he laughs then tugs you even closer, "sleep Y/N, we'll talk tomorrow" you smile then let your eyes close as he continues to move his fingers in a soothing motion along your back.


You didn't know what to expect the next morning, but it definitely didn't include Mason's legs tangled with yours while his soft snores sounded next to your ear. The reality of the situation makes you shift onto your back, waking the sleeping footballer because of the movement. "I shouldn't have called you" he props himself up onto his elbow so that he can see your face, "you did nothing wrong" you look up at him then shake your head, "I stopped having that right when we split up, you don't need to rescue me anymore". Mason takes your hand to kiss the back of it, "I will always come to your rescue baby" you sigh then turn back towards him. "When you say stuff like that it makes me wish that we didn't break it off" he smiles then drops your hand to place his on your hip, "why don't we stop beating around the bush and get back together then?" your heart flutters as he fully wraps his arm around your waist. "I hope you know that I didn't call you for this reason Mase" he nods then barely brushes his lips against yours, "I've been thinking about you and us for nearly a month, I miss you and I want you back" your breath catches at his statement. "I miss you too" he fully presses his lips against yours in response, the butterflies in your stomach going crazy as he tugs you on top of him. For the first time you are thankful for a sleepless night because Mason would've never been here and getting back together never would've happened.

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