The Internship (2) - Daniel Ricciardo

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What you assumed was only a good idea to start having a say on the comms team turned out being a big hit with McLaren fans. Earning many comments suggesting places to hide clues in the next races on the calendar. Your colleagues continuously told you the spots suggested that ranged from brilliant to odd, quickly generating a buzz around the McLaren garage and headquarters in Woking. Which is where you find yourself between race weekends planning more scavenger hunt clues knowing that the time won't be available any other time during racing chaos.

"Mum!" You look up having gotten used to the nickname, a colleague is pointing a camera at you is what you're met with. "Smile for the camera" she adds making you giggle but do as she requests, "you should be taking photos of Lando and Dan" she shrugs, "they get too much attention time to spread the love" you shake your head and go back to your laptop to go through some of the fan suggested clue spots. "Hey y/n?" you peer up again, "you've been really great to have with the team" she explains making you smile, "I've had so much fun, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that's been enjoying this" she nods before surprising you with a hug, you return the embrace. "Okay I gotta go but I'll send you these photos" you nod again and she turns around before jogging away, leaving you alone once more, your focus having partially shifted between the scavenger hunt to your new papaya family.

A couple of days later you're at the race track, quietly walking around the paddock to plant the next scavenger hunt clue. As you're turning a corner you spot Daniel so you quickly stuff the clue in your back pocket. "Hey!" He exclaims with a wave and a smile, you give him a small wave in return, "how's it going" you reply as he stops in front of you. "I'm alright, getting through the tough schedule" you sigh also feeling the toll of the packed race schedule, "yeah it's definitely a lot" he shrugs before surprising you when he throws an arm across your shoulders. Pulling you close to his side "I think we each need an espresso Y/N" you blush at the close contact with the Aussie, "are you paying?" You joke knowing very well that beverages are provided by the team, "would you join me if I say yes?" With a smile you peer up at him, "ask me in a couple of hours Danny, I've got things to do and so do you" he raises his eyebrows in surprise giving you the chance to press a kiss to his cheek before walking away from him to go hide the next scavenger hunt clue like initially planned.


You lose track of time and before you know it the sun has set and you're still sitting in the hospitality building hunched over your laptop. "Night mum!" you look up at the voice to see a colleague waving as she leaves the building, "night" you reply, "don't stay here too long, we've got a busy day tomorrow" she adds making you nod before looking at your computer again. A couple of minutes later a paper cup is placed on the table where you have your laptop, making you jump slightly while looking up. "I thought I'd bring the coffee to you" a smile comes to your face as Daniel sits on the chair next to you, "thank you, but this isn't necessary, you should be at the hotel resting" you reply. He shrugs and leans back in the chair, "you should be too Y/N" you wave away his statement, he chuckles and proceeds to lean forward quickly shutting your laptop, "let's take the coffee to go" he adds while holding out a hand towards you. Your cheeks redden while you bite your lip, looking into the Aussie's dark eyes unsurely, "I guess I can take a break" you mumble and he easily takes hold of your hand pulling you from your chair making you giggle.

Daniel offers his arm to you before the two of you step out of the hospitality building. You slip your free hand around his arm, the paper cup from earlier now warming you other hand. "I like how quiet it gets when there's no one at the track" you mumble while tilting your head back to look at the few stars suspended in the night sky, "it's definitely something" he replies making you smile and look over at him. A blush covers your cheeks when you see that the Aussie is already looking at you with a slight smile on his face. "What?" he shrugs, "just happy that you took this internship" you bite your lip and look down at your feet as the two of you continue walking through the deserted paddock, "yeah me too" you murmur before taking a sip of the lukewarm coffee in your cup. Dan let's out a yawn, which makes you do the same, he chuckles and moves the arm that you were holding around your waist, "clearly we both need some sleep" you nod and he tugs you to his side, "especially if you want to get the scavenger hunt clue tomorrow" he scoffs, "I've got it in the bag" you giggle and pat his chest, "we'll see about that" he huffs and you move to take his hand pulling him towards the venue exit to get back to the hotel where the team is staying for the weekend.


The next morning you let out a groan when you feel the beginnings of a migraine. When you open your eyes spots decorate your vision, so you quickly reach for your phone, knowing that working won't be possible today. With a tap of your fingers you dial your supervisor, quickly explaining the situation, being met with understanding and an insistence of you staying at the hotel to get better. You mumble a thank you before hanging up, dropping the device next to you before groaning and pulling the covers over your head to block out any sunlight. Only leaving the bed to grab some medicine and go to the washroom. You eventually fall asleep again as the medication does it's magic.

A couple of hours later a frantic knocking sounds on your hotel room door. You look away from the TV you turned on, your eyebrows furrowed as you slowly slide off the bed to see who it is. Looking through the peep hole you raise your eyebrows in surprise before opening the door to a very worried Australian. "Dan?" you ask, he pulls you into his arms for a hug, making you tense up at the unexpected embrace, "I got so worried when you weren't around, then I heard about your migraine" he explains as he let's go. "I'm fine now, thanks for checking in though, I really appreciate it" you murmur while looking up with a smile, "gotta make sure that my scavenger hunt teammate is alright" he adds making you bite your lip gently and look down, "she will be" he slides his fingers between yours, squeezing them gently making your heart flutter. He starts to let go but you stop him, "wait" you murmur making him look into your eyes curiously, "stay for a bit, I want to hear about your day" you add shyly. Dan smiles, brushing his thumb along your hand, "alright" you gently pull him into your hotel room, shutting the door behind him with a click.

The evening consists of stories from the track, laughter and sneaked looks when the other wasn't watching. A warm feeling being left behind when Dan leaves your room at midnight, your stares lingering on each other for a few seconds too long to be considered professional.

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