Only You - Mason Mount

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Landing soon, can't wait 2 c u

The text message makes you sit up from the bed in a panic. You swear the put on the nearest pair of shoes, your fluffy slippers, and grab your wallet on the way out the door. The whole drive to the airport you feel stupid for not setting a reminder when Mason initially told you his return date. At this point you hope that the few speed limits you brake go unnoticed. When the exit for the airport appears you sigh in relief and your hands loosen around the steering wheel as you roll to a stop in the pickup area for the team plane.

You put on the parking brake then take out your phone to see if there's an update from Mason but frown when you don't see anything. A sudden knock on the window makes you jump then look up. The footballer you were waiting for is all smiles, and just like every time your heart jumps at the expression. Before you can really think about it you unbuckle yourself and step out of the car to greet him properly. He chuckles when you throw your arms around him in a hug, your nose tucking into the crook of his neck. "I missed you" you mumble into him, Mason tightens his arms around you then kisses your head, "missed you more" he replies which makes you smile.

After some silence you feel him move his head above yours. "Are those your slippers?" he asks probably noticing the shoes on your feet, you pull away then get back into the car to avoid his curious stare, "pshhh no" you say then shut the door before he can ask anymore questions about your last minute outfit. You watch him shake his head before he puts his bags in the backseat then proceeds to slide into the passenger seat. "You forgot didn't you?" he says, you look over to see the knowing look on his face, "no I didn't, I was planning to wear this the whole time" you lie then look away to focus on starting the car and leaving the pickup area to go back home. He hums then thankfully changes the subject to ask what you were up to while he was away.

Many questions and answers later you pull into the driveway of your shared house. When you look over at Mason you notice how tired he looks after being away with the team. The slight slouch to his shoulders tells you all that you need to know while you turn off the car. "It's good to be home" he mumbles, you smile then get out to help with his bags, "go inside and change Mase I got this" you add, he opens his mouth to object but thinks better of it and nods. You watch him go inside before getting his bags sorted and over your shoulders; you lock the car then follow him into the house. Once in the foyer you drop the bags you're carrying with a sigh. You shut the front door and make sure it's locked before turning to the staircase that leads up to the bedrooms.

In yours and Mason's shared bedroom you kick off your slippers then let out a yawn. As you get comfy in bed he walks out of the en-suite bathroom in only a pair of sleep shorts. You can't help but bite your lip at the way they hug his thighs before you move your eyes to his chest then his cheeky smile. He wiggles his eyebrows so you laugh before extending your arms towards him. "Cuddles?" you ask so he walks over before getting into bed, where he immediately pulls you against his chest. "I'll never say no to cuddling with my gorgeous girlfriend" he replies so you smile then tangle your legs with his, "I love you Mase" he places a hand against your lower back to pull you closer, "and I love you Y/N" with a tilt of your head you press a kiss to his lips that you hope conveys how much you missed him. When you pull away Mason chases your lips so you giggle then hum as he presses another kiss to them before easily tugging your body on top of his. You spread your hands on his chest while his fingers play with the waistband of your sweatpants, "you should rest" you murmur when he pulls away. He smiles in response, "there's plenty of time for that tomorrow, I want to show my girl how much I love her" you don't get a chance to reply because he pulls you in for another searing kiss that makes your belly flutter in anticipation. The thought of rest is wiped from your mind at the gesture so you let him continue his path down your body.

Awhile later you're still awake and your fingers are brushing through Mason's hair. The footballer is asleep with his arms around your waist and his head against your chest. The overwhelming feeling of happiness spreads through you in the quiet moment so you smile before dropping a kiss to his head. "It's only ever going to be you" is what you whisper to the sleeping man that is the love of your life and your best friend. You don't realize that he's awake now and smiling at your quiet statement, the same feeling very much shared by him now more than ever.

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