chapter 33 : Jealousy and fight

Start from the beginning

"Baby I'm really sorry but i have to go, if it wasn't something very important i could have declined but this is very important for our business. Please understand me" phayu said holding rain's hands.

"It's okay i understand, I'll stay with her. Call me when you arrive, I'll let you know about everything here" rain replies, phayu can finally breath he was scared rain wouldn't be happy about this.

With a heavy heart, Phayu boarded the plane, his mind consumed by worry for both Rain and the surrogate mother. He had intended to keep his phone on, ready to answer any calls or messages from Rain, but the demands of the project forced him to switch it off so he can focus and leave fast, leaving Rain unable to reach him during this critical time. He couldn't think about two things at the same he messed up the first meeting which forced him to try to focus, getting it done, then leave,

Days passed without any word from Phayu, and Rain's anxiety grew with each passing moment. He tried calling and messaging Phayu repeatedly, but all his attempts went unanswered. Frustration and anger bubbled up inside him, fueled by the fear and uncertainty of the situation.

When Phayu finally returned and reached out to Rain, hoping to explain his absence and offer his support, Rain's anger boiled over. He refused to answer Phayu's calls or messages, his hurt and frustration too raw to be easily soothed.

Phayu quickly took the next flight as soon he arrived he went straight to the hospital to see Rain and the surrogate mother, he was met with icy silence from Rain, who sat sullenly beside the woman he had been caring for. Phayu's heart sank at the sight, realizing the depth of Rain's anger and disappointment.

"Rain, baby can we talk please" Phayu pleaded, his voice tinged with regret as he approached them. "I'm so sorry for not being there when you needed me. Please, let me explain myself."

But Rain remained silent, his gaze fixed on the the woman who was sleeping on the bed as he refused to acknowledge Phayu's presence. Feeling utterly helpless, Phayu resolved to do whatever it took to earn Rain's forgiveness and rebuild his trust.

The next day, when the doctor finally gave the all-clear for the surrogate mother to return home, Phayu insisted on driving them back himself. He arranged for additional support staff, including a nurse and a maid to accompany them and ensure that the surrogate mother received the care she needed.

As they made their way home, Rain sat silently in the backseat, his anger and resentment still palpable. Phayu drove in tense silence, his mind racing with thoughts of how to make things right with him.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Phayu spoke up, his voice filled with remorse. "Rain, I know I messed up," he began, his tone earnest and sincere. "I should have been there for you when you needed me, and I'm truly sorry for letting you down."

Rain remained silent, his eyes fixed out the window as they drove through the bustling streets of the city.

"Baby please answer me, i can't stand your silence, say anything to me, shout, hit me but don't stay quiet please" Phayu continued, his words coming from the heart as he poured out his feelings of regret and remorse.

"I love you more than anything Rain, you know i will never cut you off like this unless it was urgent, i just forgot to tell you." Phayu said softly, his voice breaking with emotion. "And I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us. Please, give me a chance to make it up to you."

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