After sunrise

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Tuesday December 26 2022,

Killian POV


I've allowed Dimitri to drive the car. I did not trust myself and my instincts on this road. Sometimes rage brings you places. But this time it could end with us wrapped around a tree.

Neither us say anything. We are both focused on our goal. Focused on the sweet taste of revenge.

When I entered the car, I explained everything to Dimitri.

I must praise the man. He puts up a fine shield. Barely showing emotion. But I know that the information affects him more than he lets on.

We drive all early morning. All the way to the afternoon. Until we reach the borders of Ukraine. Of course this son of a bitch lives in Ukraine.

I was in his house ten years ago when we had a meeting about the council. I hate to say it. But he lives rather nicely. He has this big, modern mansion in the middle of a forest. It is my style. But if I suggest to Esmee that we should live in a house as such, she would make me sleep on the streets.

We drive in a thank of a car. So when we reach the big, steel gates, we just continue driving.

The gates give in without a single inch of resistance.

With every passing second Dimitri his knuckles become more and more white.

For someone as rich and notorious as Lucien is, he has poor security.

We stop the car right in front of his front door.

When we open the car door Clemusses fly our way. Clemusses are the losers of the demons. They are deformed fairies. They have a big head and tiny body. With wings like bats.

One by one we punch them out of the air. They lay in dead piles at our feet. But they just keep coming. Fuck this.

I take a sprint towards the door.

Some sizzling sound makes me stop in my tracks. I think that the door is electrified. Or maybe some witch did something to it.

With a growl I walk backwards.

Dimitri looks at me in confusion.

These are the moments that you are so completely annoyed and done with life. That strangely everything will work out.

So when one Clemus flies straight towards me, I grab it out of the air.

It struggles in my hand.

Like a baseball I throw it straight towards the door.

As I predicted, the Clemus sticks on the door and is completely electrified.

Soon the door explodes because it can't handle the pressure. Dimitri and I give each other the look.

It feels like a James Bond moment. Where the sky spits fire and dramatic music plays on the background. And honestly it feels like that too.

He clearly did not expect us to be so extremely stupid to barge into his home with no less than ten people. Because he stands in his dining room with a surprised look on his face. At least three men stand behind him. They are all jacket, military trained men.

'Killian. To what do I owe this pleasure?' He opens his arms as an invitation.

I want to break his stupid face. I do not care about the other man in the room. Maybe some bones of mine will be broken. It will be worth it.

Both Dimitri and I step closer. Ready to fight.

We all flex our muscles. This is going to be old fashion fun.

Lucien is the first to take a step and walks straight towards me with a sadistic smile on his face.

I take the second step, ready for what is to come.

The men behind him are coming closer to us. Ready to protect their master.

Suddenly Lucien stops dead in his tracks.

His eyes grow wide and he inhales deeply.

Because of his sudden actions, I stop what I am doing.

Lucien his eyes go from surprised to pure anger.

'You are wearing my mates scent'

My brain goes blank. I am what?

The men behind him look at each other in confusion. They've stoped moving because Lucien did so.

'I am what?'

He steps closer and grabs my jacket, 'What did you do to my mate?' He spits my way.

Dimitri takes his arm and pushes Lucien back.

'I can assure you. I did nothing to your mate' I tell him

How did we from ready to fight to chitchat about mates?

He growls, 'Then why are do you smell like my mate? You smell like vanilla and roses.'

Now my mind becomes truly blank. He doesn't mean that. Does he?

I step back and lean against the kitchen table. Barely being able to hold it together.

I bite the inside of my cheeks.

'Your... That is my mate.' I speak.

Dimitri, Lucien and the rest of the people in the room look at me in confusion.

Dimitri exhales in surrender and turns around, 'Fuck.' He mumbles.

Lucien and I look at each other.

Fuck indeed.

Life will forever be different. The Moongoddes was right. Esmee will bring peace between the people. She will bring the side of the dark and the side of the light together. Only who would have guessed it to be done like this.

This is a new life, in a new world. Darkness is gone and the light starts to shine. The sun shows its colors and gives me the life after sunrise. 

After sunrise part 2Where stories live. Discover now