This is the life

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Monday, December 18 2022:

Esmee POV:


I am exhausted. This weekend was full of surprises.

Aleandra was of course, very exited that I would officially join the family. William was surprisingly irritated.

Killian explained that it had nothing to do with me. But everything to do with the council. William is repulsed the fact that the council forced me into swearing loyalty. Because it shows that those humans think that they have more power than us.

Killian says that we can't let them be too cocky. He and his father will talk to the members of the council after the ceremony.

I talked to my parents about the upcoming events when I got home. My father was both happy and exited for me. My mother seemed to not believe me at first. She still is a bit befuddled and has to process the relationship that Killian and I have. And she has to process that I will become an official princess.

I will get an official ceremony when I marry Killian. Or when Aleandra and William pass the crown over.

My mother is easily overwhelmed. And only seems to see the difficulty that my life brings me. She is my mother for a reason, so she has every reason the be worried. But she is also the first one who discourages me when I am exited about something. Which is pain on another level. She probably doesn't mean to, but it comes across as if she doesn't support me.

On Sunday I confessed to Killian that I was quite worried about the ceremony. I will be in a room with people that I do not know. I was aware that it is just a formality. But it also should be a little celebration.

Amazingly so, Killian suggested that my friends and family could join. I was over the moon.

To my disappointment, my parents have to work and simply can't come to the celebration. Luckily Christmas is around the corner, so Killian suggested he would sent them a plane so we would all spent Christmas together at the castle.

Now I just have to find a way to make sure that my friends will be there. And my sister of course.

There is one person who can make that happen. The only person who can't say no to me.

I put in my sweetest smile and knock on the green door.

Slowly the door cracks open and the principal's face comes into view.

When he sees me, he gets this crestfallen look on his face.

I smile as a greeting.

'Come in.' He mumbles in a not so joyful tone.

'It will be my pleasure.' I speak back as I slowly walk into the office.

I never want to have such as dreadful job that he has. Being stuck at school, again. Who ever wants that? You can terrorize children if that is what you want. But once again. Who wants that?

I turn around while leaning against his desk.

'I have something importance to take care of in Russia. I will be leaving on Wednesday.' I tell him.

He looks at my face, 'I'll make sure it's all handled.'

I smile, 'Good. And before I forget. I want to bring some friends along with me. I hope that isn't an issue?'

After sunrise part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin