The enemy of my enemies

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Tuesday December 5, 2022:

Esmee POV:


It is early in the morning.

I am already dressed. Luckily, I don't feel nauseous anymore. I am praying that it was a one-time thing.

I get dressed in simple jeans and a black blouse. I put on my black ballerina's and grab my bag.

I walk towards the door and think about my day.

Every single second of the day I am surrounded by people. I just want a moment alone with my thoughts.

I used to have that when I biked towards school. But now I have a personal driver. But nothing is stopping me from biking to school. Right?

I take my phone out of my bag and call Benjamin.

'Ma'am.' He answers.

'Yes, morning. Listen. I really want to bike to school. So that is what I shall be doing.' I try to sound confidant by saying it as it is and not like a question.

'Esmee... I mean ma'am. I am not certain if that is a plausible idea. Mister Cunningham and Dimitri ordered me to...'

'To keep me safe.' I cut him off, 'I know. But they never said how. You can drive behind me with the car, I just want to bike.'

The other side of the line stays silent.

'Okey,' He answers.

I smile brightly, 'Alright then. I will come down with the bike.' I press him away and feel like doing a little happy dance.


Turns out I don't have that many thoughts.

I am almost at school and I haven't become any wiser.

The only thing I have is fear. Fear and worry.

If Benjamin is able to read minds, I am so screwed.

He drove almost right behind me the entire time. Except the point where I took the bike lane that leads through the forest. No cars are allowed there.

But he was able to catch up with me.

When I reach school Benjamin just keeps driving to the nearest parking spot.

I lock my bike when a noise startles me.

'Hai Esmee. Finally taking a bike. That is a long time. Almost didn't recognize you.' Jonathan walks towards me.

I compose myself from the scare and force a smile on my face, 'Yes. Just wanted to get some air.'

He smiles, 'Very necessary. Which class do you have first?'

I look on my phone, 'German... you?'


'Good luck with that.' I wish him.

He grins, 'You good luck with the Nazi's.'

Woah. Did that joke go too far?

I look around and see ''Oh he is gone.'


When we have our first break, I pull Emma and Maddy in an empty bathroom with me.

They seem startled that I've singled them out.

And they will even be more so startled when I tell them the reason why I single them out.

After sunrise part 2Where stories live. Discover now