Like a flower you grow.

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Wednesday December 20 2022,

Esmee POV


Too tight.

Can't breath.

'Too tight, Lora.' I tell her.

Lora immediately starts loosening my corset.

'Sorry Esmee. Sometimes I forget that you are pregnant.' She apologizes.

She turns around and grabs the gown that Lora and I decided will be the best to wear. Fortunately it is also the prettiest one.

It resembles the dress form Anastasia. The same color blue. Also off the shoulder with tiny sleeves that are more for recreational purposes than they have use. The biggest difference between my dress and Anastasia's, is that mine isn't fitted. It is a ballgown, made to dance in.

The dress is bedded with thousands of tiny diamonds and glitters. Making it the midnight sky in dress form.

I can't wait to wear it.

'It is okey. Sometimes I do as well.' I speak back to her while I turn sideways to the mirror.

It only has been a month or so, but I have swollen up like a balloon. It also doest help that I am skinny. Making the pregnancy more visible.

'How long are you pregnant?' Lora asks while she stands behind me. Looking at my belly through the mirror.

'A bit more than a month.' I answer.

'In human terms, almost three months right?' She asks.

'Yeah.' I breath out.

We are both silent for a while.

Lora wraps her arms around my shoulders and smiles at me, 'Don't worry Esmee. Nobody will notice the belly. As your stylist, that I promise.' She reassures me.

It does in fact make me feel better.

She holds open the dress, making it easier for me to step into.

She ties the back together, now it flatters my shape perfectly.

I exhale deeply as I look at myself in the mirror.

I see Lora looking at me.

'You really do look beautiful, Querida.' She kisses my shoulder.

I smile back at her, 'Thank you. I feel beautiful.'

And I mean it. It has been a long time since I could stand still and just feel like me, just be me. This dress is so light that it feels like it is a limb of myself. I feel confident in it.

I never want to take it off.

Lora steps back and claps her hands together, 'Than my job is done.'

A knock on the door takes us out of our concentration.

'Do not come in.' Lora screams, 'It is bad luck to see the dress before the wedding.'

'I was't planning on coming in!' Killian screams back, 'And it is not our wedding day.'

'Then what are you doing interrupting our girl moment?' She asks through the door.

'Dinner is ready. I don't mind you starving to death, but Esmee needs to be fed. So if you don't take her out in less than five minutes, I will break down this door and take her out myself.' Killian orders without an apology.

After sunrise part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora