Choice between two evils

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Sunday December 3, 2022:

Killian POV:


 Last night was for a lack of better words, epic. Esmee suggested going through the Mac drive. I thought and still think that is beneath me, but she was very persistent.

A liar I am not. So, I fully admit that MacDonalds is not food. It does not nourish the body. It is garbage in its truest form. And it tastes like plastic.

But for one time it is not that bad.

After we went through the drive-thru we stopped the car somewhere remote and quiet

We just talked.

There is something so completely mesmerizing when Esmee talks.

The way her lips move.

The way her tone changes its tune every time she talks about a different subject.

She is so smart and calm. And just peaceful.

I can listen to her every day and never get tired of hearing that voice.

We went our separate ways soon after.

She wanted to sleep alone this night, and who am I to force her to lay with me.

I mean I could. But that would be incongruous.

Today I am joining her while she is visiting the rest of her family. Nieces, nephews. The whole gang.

I wouldn't say that I am nervous. And I wouldn't say I want those people's approval. But it does make the situation a whole lot better.

Esmee is already with her family in her grandparents' house. I had an online meeting and promised I would join later.

I am speeding over the freeway when someone calls. It is not Esmee. Weird.

'Cunningham.' I answer in a monotonous tone.

'Mister Cunningham.' The voice of my second secretary rings though the speakers of the car. Yes, when you are at my level you need two secretaries.

Something about her tone seems off.

'What is it Aline?'

'There has been a fire in the building?'

'What building?'

'Cunningham enterprise. The main one.' She squeaks out.

Fucking hell.

My grab on the wheel tightens, 'Is anyone hurt?' I ask.

'Not that I am aware of. The fire started in the IT department.'

That is odd.

'Did the sprinklers put down the fire?'

She seems to hesitate for a moment, 'No sir. They did not work. Our entire IT department is on shut down. Luckily the department in New York could take over our business, because on this side of the world we are down.'

No sprinklers.

No internet.

No fucking IT department.

No business.

And millions and millions literally went up in smoke.

I can barely contain my anger. Better anger than sadness. Anger is very useful.

After sunrise part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora