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"I'm telling you, i won't have an injection!" I murmur to him and sat on the hospital's bed.

"I'm sorry, it's best if you really wants to stop vomiting!" The nurse said getting my attention.

"Love I'm here, it's gonna be okay! Don't you wants to be good?!" My husband try to convince me, but damn, i wants to be alright but an injection is too much.

"This ulcer isn't doing me justice." I murmured giving the look that says 'have mercy on me,' to the nurse.

The nurse smile. "I think there's more to this ulcer," she looked at me intently. "I need to run some test for you before i gives you something harmful." She turn to those medical mechanics.

Sameer & me looked at each other confuse.

After she examined me, I was anxious, the ulcer is more than a mystery to my life, anything additional will be, well I should stop here.

The nurse beam, she gives a look between us.

"Congratulations!" She hold my hand. "You're pregnant!" She adds, her eyes were now towards Sameer.

We were both in utter shock, my hearts beat, no it's not a beat but a marathon. We gulp, eyes locked.

This's not something i imagine this soon. Sameer bend down, then gently fold my head to his chest.

"I'm pregnant?!" I said confuse, as though I'm asking him.

"Yes, we're," he answered me reassuringly.

Wow, Sameer  and i, parent!!

The nurse prescribed some vomit stopping medicines, we thank her silently, after we arrived at the hospital's compound, Sameer help me inside the car, i stare at his face but he ignored me and blankly close the door.

My head ducked down, confuse, scared.

Don't he wants children?!

He didn't enter the car, glancing at the window, I found him heading to a place which had 'Hospital Mosque' at the top of it.

He went to thank the giver!

I quickly smile rubbing onto my flat hot tummy. I can't believe I'm pregnant, with Sameer's child. 

I took my phone and text mom about it, i was about to text dad too but i stop, facepalming myself, I'm not serious.

You must be wondering how our life is going right, well, it's kind of bittersweet, but we did make progress.

Mother Khaltum accepted me, though she told me honestly that she need to learn how to love me, I collect that with open arms and the learning is still on progress, but she's trying her best.

My mom on the other hand, still hold some grudges against Mother Khaltum and she said she can't accept Sameer.

She gave her blessings to our marriage but couldn't let go of everything and accept him, we accept all of it and return to our home.
Sameer is clingy that I'm sure he's on the process of finally winning mom over.

And this piece of good news will shakes both our mothers, I'm certain and positive that both the two will soften.

I copy the massage i sent my mom and paste it to Mother Khaltum board, i press the send bottom, ignoring the blush that appear on me.

The car open, revealing Sameer, he sat down and howl over me, he peck my forehead while I close my eyes.

"Did you pray?!" I ask, my voice in such a soundless tune.

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