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I knocked on the door for the second time while glancing at Kakar, all the confidence i had gathered annoyingly evaporating into the air.

I was so nervous that i had to hold Kakar and knock for the third, when we hear the sound of footsteps approaching, before the door finally open, i exhale and inhale for countless of time.

Aunt Khaltum came into view, i glanced at Kakar—she too was looking at me. We both redirects our eyes to the owner of the house who starts to eye us from head to toe, in confusion and utter shock seeing us holding suitcases and bags.

"Good day Aunt," i word putting all my nervousness aside, I need to do my best!

"She said she's spending her break with you, so i decide to tag along!" Kakar wave a dismissive hand to get her attention from me. "Let go!" She steps aside and give us space while we dragged our things inside.

I sit down following what ever Kakar do, after Aunt sit, she ask her niece to bring some refreshments for us and we had them in silence.

"Khaltum Yakike?" Kakar break the silence.

Aunt shift on her seat. "I'm fine, Alhamdulillah." She answer expressionless.

"Masha Allah," she clear her throat. "Where should we reside?"

"You're not joking?!" Aunt was so surprise. I gulp.

"Yes. We're on a break, you're our host!" Kakar said with a wide smile and stood up. "Follow me with my bags Khaltum!"

She head towards the rooms, i duck my eyes down as aunt looks at me with so much distaste, i swallow a knot and as she stand in front of me and hold one of Kakar's bags.

I hold it too, my eyes set boldly on her and i let out a small smile. "I'll take them," i said watching her every move.

She shrugs, one by one, i take them inside, after Kakar freshen up, i do the same and lay down beside her on the bed.

"I hope she's not angry!" I breath laying completely on right side—looking at Kakar.

"She's definitely, but losing her husband made her become soft," she says.

"Sameer told me all that i need to know about her likes and dislikes, i just need to starts." I reassured myself.

I don't know when I drop into a slumber as we converse but the next thing i hear is the sound of my phone indicating me it's Zuhr prayer.

I wake up and find Kakar seated too, we perform our prayer and head outside.

I took a deep breath as we both said our Salam, after I make sure Kakar is seated, i anxiously walk to the sofa Aunt was on.

"Good afternoon Mom Khaltum!" I flashed her a smile and hold her hands, she tense for a minute looking at her hands that i hold, looking back at me, i beam to which she nod her head and answer me.

I smile, proud of myself and greet Sameer's aunt while smiling at her daughter.

"Mom Khaltum i wants to ask a favor from you." She had no choice but to acknowledge my voice. She look weak and feeble. "I wants to be an expert in cooking, can you help me?!"

She was about to say something, obviously to reject me but Kakar beat her to it. "Please help her, this girl is terrible when it comes to cooking." I chuckled and set a patient eyes on her.

She just nod after some silence to which I kiss her hands.....

Morning came in a blur, I spent the rest of the day popping my nose in everything Aunt do, trying my best not be nosy or overboard.

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