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Sliding on my car after coming out from the Masjid, i swipe the answer bottom to take Khalid's call.

"Hi Man, are you coming for Baheer's party? It going to be a blast!" He said excitedly from the other side of the line.

"Of course, I'm currently on my way!" I reply enthusiastically my hand on the wheel of my car.

"Text me the location!"

I end the call, rubbing the phone from my ear, the text instantly came in, i giggled upon seeing the location—one of the best club in the city.

"Today will be amazing!" I says, before leaving the messages app, a certain nameless unread message attracted my attention.

Unknown Number; Assalamualaikum, It's me. I forget my key inside the house, could you help me open the door?

Safa! Texted me? She most have no choice but to!

"Oh shit!" I cursed, the message was hours ago and i wonder how i didn't see it.

I drove to the house my head already picturing the look am gonna get from her, arriving there i took a deep breath as i walked towards the main house.

She was seated on a chair in the veranda.

It was already dark, and somehow i regret not seeing the message, upon hearing my footsteps, her gazed fells on me, her shoulders thickened as her eyes turned a shade of dark.

I swallowed the knot in my throat, my eyes still on hers, i reached the door. Taking a deep breath i opened it, then avert my eyes to her, she stuck all her stuff  in her bag.

She walked passed me, to the threshold without sparing me a single glance. "I'm sorry, i didn't see your message!" I blurted out, something within me not accepting her silence.

She stopped in her track, my eyes on the figure of her back, it took her one long minutes to swivel. "As if i had any high hope from a party-drunkard boy!"

That was..

She turned to her position—begin to walked along the hallway. My hands rubbed along my face as i swirled three times.

I quickly run towards her, without any thoughts of my action, a sudden feeling to tell her the truth was rushing through my veins. "I'm telling you, it.was.not, intentional!" My teeth grind as I talk, she was looking at my hand—which was basically holding onto her lower arm.

"Let go of me!" She said calmly—but i know better, she's not calm. Her blood is boiling, after all, i grew up irritating the hell of her—it was then part of my life.


"Why?" She trailed off. "Did you own me! Sameer? I'm so tired of your games!"

"Games? What kind of games?" I asked honestly confuse.

She roll her eyes, irked.

"Come on, i just ask one favor from you, 'we should be just housemate' but as always, you just wants to annoy me," I breath, listening attentively. "Today you just went ahead and rub salt to my wounds by constantly irritating me, first in the kitchen, the parking lot, in the lecture hall and now...I'm in a very difficult path of my life, but you're seriously making it hard for me to continue this unfortunate journey. With what should i worry? Is it your annoyance or this ill-fated marriage?" She said calmly and painfully, this was the first time i heard her says it loud, the first time i could read her emotions.

 Flame of hatred Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant