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I glanced at the clock—it was 2:09am, my legs dropped from the bed adjusting my sleeping dress in the way. I stood in front of my window which was directly facing the gate, my fingers slid it open, few drops of rain pours, the night was quite and peaceful as the result of the rain.

My eyes shot as a breeze hit my face, he was no where to found, orbs on the gate as though he'll pop out, and he almost as a horn sound through, Malan Danja came out from his room-an umbrella above his head, as he opened the gate, my eyes set on a drunk man—Sameer, he was talking to another man who seems to be drunk too, a man came out from the driver seat, dragging the other man inside while saying something inaudible to Danja.

Malan Danja tiredly starts taking him inside. I was still standing, looking at the rain even after they were out of sight—a sigh of solace, this was my fifth time checking if he returned home, to be honest Kakar's words manage to be a great and life-changing to my life, ever after that incidence i found myself checking out if he returned, and when he returned, everyday.

And the fact that it hurt to see him drunk, or smoking or talking on the phone about the location of every-night party was so foreign to me.

It had me have this constant urge to change him—for the better. At first, before he left the country, i knew he smoked but when Kakar asked me to call him and there i found him with alcohol and tattoo, i don't have any slight worry about it, because I'm not supposed to—he's Khaltum's son.

But now, I'm into changing him. My daze end as I heard the sound of the doorbell, i quickly took a long veil which i normally used to cover myself off when ever I'm to leave my room, opened the door and walked to where I'm needed, upon encountering Malan Danja's face i gave him a nervous smile, he helped-asking me to direct him to Sameer's room but i declined.

Showing the sofa for him, he lay him there, and I thanked him and closed the door, my anger rises as i watched him wasted, half of his body-legs on the floor. I marched furiously to the kitchen, took a kitchen bucket and sat it down in the zinc, i opened the tap and watched as it starts to filled it.

Coming out, i stood before him, lifted the bucket, without any single thought, i drizzle the entire water on his face, he gasped and quickly stood up. "Give me a shot of beer sir!" He gasped again, drunkly—palm rubbing his face and moving his hair off his eyes. 

His actions made me remember the day we were kidnapped—me hugging him, falling on his chest and the way we stood so close. I quickly shook my head, coming back to my senses. "What's this?!"

"You ruined my hair?!" He yelled at me—making every single drop of my blood to boiled, and my eyes to narrowed.

"You're worried about your hair!" I stepped towards him, grabbing his collar, i continue. "How dare you go back on your promise!" By now it seems he's already sober.

"What promise?" He asked making me smile but only on my lips, i wanted to slap him hard.

"Don't you tell me that you'll quit drinking?" I starts. "I talked to you Sameer, you said you'll try but it looked like it gotten worse. I'm tired of waiting for you until you return, i wants to ignore your life, it's your life after all but i can't watch ruin your life." By now my hearts was breaking, it's true, I'm tired.

I wants to have my complete night sleep. That's it!

"You wait for me everyday?"

"Yes i do, and I'm tired of it," I blurt out honestly. His smirk made me to place my hands on my waist, looking at him furiously and he adjust that and removed the annoying smirk from his face.

"For my sake and for Kakar's sake and even for Malan Danja's sake who use his strength to dragged you inside, for all of this, I made off my mind." I said confidently. "Get ready tomorrow by 10am, and i have set a curfew, the moment you past 8pm you'll sleep outside." I glared at him, walking away while adjusting my veil.

"I don't think I'll be able to wake up by 10am, and what did you even wants from me? What ever it's, I'm not entertaining it!" I stopped on my track upon hearing his sentences, i twirled, raising a questioning eyebrow. "And of curfew, I can't!" His smirked.

"Ok." I smile. "Ignore the curfew, don't wake up tomorrow on time, i can do better than pouring water on your face, I'll make sure you regret not listening to me!" With his eyes on me i turned away.

Before i continue my sleep, I took out the two Madarasa forms i bought days ago, i wanted to enroll him, going to Madarasa every day will help because different preaching from the Mu'alims will help so much, with that, I filled the two forms along with mine—Kakar as our guidance.

I placed them on my center table, tomorrow that idiot will be a Madarasa student after so many years, i just hope he didn't sleep in until pass 10am.

Will he dare to ignore my pierce warning?!

Tomorrow I'm gonna lead him to a new journey of his life.

A road that'll help us both.

So help me Yah Allah..

Sorry for the short chapter
Lazy, as always 😤

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Good right?

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Your thoughts on Sameer and Safa's moment!

Love you all 💗

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