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My gaze shift from Kakar—who seems shocked and to Sameer—who was giving me a smile that makes me almost twist my lips, but i smile, to Kakar. "Coming unannounced again?" I sat next to her.

She give me a questioning glance, ignoring my teasing. "You don't have his number?" She asked to which i nod, she sighed deeply making me to glance at Sameer's direction who was smirking.

He most have been happy, little did he know that Kakar will definitely uses this visit to lecture us, did he think i don't use all this tactics?

"Before you were married what relationship did you share?" She was now so strict that Sameer's smile started to fade away as he starts to doubts his foolish idea.

"You were cousins, the only bloodline of my sister. Did you all think if she's alive she'll be happy..." Her lecture continues, i couldn't believe this Sameer made me seat for 30 whole minutes for this..

As i said years ago, he's my biggest disturber and here I'm proven right. I somehow escaped to freshen up, I come out, took the pizza i ordered along with fries and set them on the dining table. We sat down to eat with complaining of how she had to eat junk food.

What to do? we survive like this.

It was Magrib prayer, after we pray i almost die as Kakar told me she wants to talk to me.

She hold both my hands as we sat next to one another—on the edge of the bed.

"I know you're going through a lot my dear, but. Our religion asked us to always try to fix any bad behavior either by our hand, tongue or we should hate that said behavior in our hearts, but that was a strong weakness of Iman, I'm sure you knew about this Hadith, right?"

"Yes," i answered her not knowing where all this is leading to, she smile, her elderly hand stroking mine.

"I'm asking a favor from you, because we can never abandon a person who's our blood—no matter who that person became, Safa my dear, Sameer grew up in a house where his decisions doesn't mattered, his mother always claimed to love her son but in reality i can't see any love. I'm asking you to please do your duty as a Muslim, sister and wife, help him mend his ways!" She says her voice already breathing down.

My free hand moved to her face as i starts to wipe off her tears. She grabbed the hand looking at me desperately. "Promise me you'll change him, you have to do what i couldn't do as his grandmother and what your fathers couldn't do!" She was crying out loudly now making my eyes teary, as much as I'm unhappy by what she do to me i love her, she was dear to our parents and i don't know she's dear to me until she cry in front of me.

"Stop crying, In sha ALLAH I'll do my best to help him." I mumbled to her.

"Look at how he engrossed himself in his studies, because it's his dream, he have his life ahead. Will you make him stop drinking and partying?" And i nod, accepting a task which  i don't know how to accomplish, she quickly hugged me, telling me how she's proud of me and how happy she's.

Will i be able to change him?

How on earth will i change the person who annoyed the hell out of me?!

I guess it's up to me to find out!

We stood in front of the car after she hugged both me and Sameer, waving a hand to bade her goodbyes. As the car disappeared out from the gate, i stood in my spot and i wandered what he's doing there.

 Flame of hatred Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora