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The-day that suppose to be the most happiest day of my life turned out to be my biggest nightmare.

It turned out to be the worst day of my life. My eyes and throat dried from the moment i heard that announcement, every vein in my body blocked, releasing the most hot—dried along with a mix of cold sweat.

Normally, every bride celebrate with family and friends that devote their precious moments into rejoicing with her, i, don't have that strength, i spent the day locked up in my room. Trying my very best to cry, but the tears had wished otherwise.

After the battle i had with my tears, I'm now currently on the floor, fiddling with my fingers while the elders were on the sofas, a free bonus added to my list of torture—watching & hearing the constant bickering of my mom and Uncle's wife, over their lack of support in the decision Kakar made up.

"I don't think it's appropriate for you to fight over this trivial matter. Kakar made that decision so we can escape from public embarrassment and now..." My dry, folded lips managed to opened, stopping all their fight.

"What did you mean?" It was the devil—Kakar.

"She's right, I think my son should now be free from this witch." Khaltum adds pointing at me, to which i approved by shaking my head.

"Listen to me you all.." Uncle Abdulraheem speaks up rather in a strict way resulting in my poor—tired heart to moved. "Kakar isn't like a mother to us, she's our mother....so her decision is an order not something you can mess up with." He concluded while through the journey of his sentence, my eyes were on his figure.

"When Qaasim's father told us they called off the wedding, Kakar told us to marry you two off, and it's final." My dad said.

And I'm telling you guys, it end like that, my dad & uncle were adamant. The short meeting was end, i raise on my feet, watching my mother walked ahead of me.

My heart was ripped, all thanks to Qaasim and Kakar; he doubt me after i decided to spend the rest of my life with him, and on the other hand Kakar decide to marry me off to my younger cousin, adding pepper to the matter, that said younger cousin was my student, he drink and smoke..

Could my life get any worst than this?!


As i drove to our house, today's chores couldn't get out from my mind. This was the must chaotic day of my life, the thought of the fact that i left home as a wedding guest but I'm now returning as the newly wedded groom was so funny, deadly and more funny.

I just can't believe the fact that Kakar uses that slightest opportunity into hooking us up, months ago i thought she was my biggest support, and I'm telling you guys, when she stand up for me on my studies, i develop a certain serious relationship with her; visiting her, calling her and making sure she was just the perfect Grandmother figure she was.

I arrived to our house—-the same tension that was sparking in the car until now was there.

Mom hoop up, as i gazed ahead i heard her pop her head in the car.

"Abdulraheem, you have to do what ever it takes to end this ill-fated marriage. Because if this go on, peace will fade away in this house!" She mouth harshly, in a tone that said she really meant it.

Both Dad and me breath out hardly. If Kakar had think about it she shouldn't have took out that idea.

Without saying a word to each other, we left the car and head to the door, Dad was ahead of me, while i followed behind him absentmindedly.

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