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Javier drives the blue truck back to Richmond, coming to a stop in front of the opened

Javier turns off the truck engine, breathing out deeply as he steps out of the truck. Gabe does the same, a crestfallen expression on his face. Clement climbs out of the backseat of the truck, landing with a light grunt and jogging towards the gates.

A walker starts staggering towards Clement, a horse neighing making him jump as Jesus charges in, swinging his sword down and striking down the walker.

"There y'all are!" Jesus greets with a warm smile, nodding to the group. "Been wondering when you would get here!"

"(Y/N), and Kate?! Are they all right?" Clement questions the man, wasting no time.

"Oh, I'm sure they are," Jesus replies with a light chuckle. "Brought hell down on these walkers, they did. I haven't seen them since we first met up, though."

Clement gasps lightly, turning to Javier with urgency in his eyes.

"We have to find them," Javier firmly speaks, rushing into Richmond with Gabe and Clement in tow. "Kate! Kate, where are you?!"

"(Y/N)! Answer me, please!" Clement shouts, Jesus' men still rounding up straggler walkers.

"Javi!" a voice shouts happily, making them look over.

Kate runs over with a wide smile, throwing herself into Javier's arms as he holds her tightly, gasping in relief.

"Kate! Oh my God, I was so worried!" he breathes out, holding the back of her head gently.

"I was, too! You guys were gone for a while," she replies, turning to Gabe with a soft gasp. "Gabe, are— are you all right?!"

She rushes over, Gabe smiling as he nods before hugging her. "I'm fine... I'm okay."

Kate's eyes widen in surprise before she smiles warmly, hugging him back in relief.

"I have to admit, I didn't know what we were coming back to," Jesus says as he approaches on his horse, looking around the blood soaked streets of Richmond. "Wasn't this. Just a little surprising, that's all."

"I'm just glad you didn't give up on us," Javier replies, looking up at him. "Real glad."

"I gave you my word," Jesus grins, nodding.

"Kate, where's (Y/N)?!" Clement quickly demands, making her pull away from Gabe and turn to him.

"I--" she shakes her head, brow creased with concern. "I haven't seen her since we parted ways, after sealing the breach. We've both been helping these guys round up walkers, and--"

Clement doesn't listen to the rest, darting down the street and looking around frantically with wide eyes. "(Y/N)!"

Javier runs after him, Gabe and Kate in tow.

"(Y/N)!" Javier yells, cupping his mouth with his hands.

"(Y/N)!" Kate shouts, looking in another area with Gabe.

"(Y/N), you there?! Where are you?" Gabe also shouts out, running around with fearful eyes.

Javier shakes his head, his heart sinking in his chest as he swallows thickly. "C-- Clem, I think she's... I think she's..."

"No!" Clement snaps, cutting the man off as he runs away from him towards the square.

"(Y/N)! Please! Call out to me!" he desperately shouts, looking around the square as his breathing picks up.

Tears start streaming down his face as he shakes his head, bracing himself on his knees.

"You-- You have to be okay! You promised me, (Y/N)! You took my hat, and promised you'd be--!"

A hat was set over his head, the person tilting the brim down over his eyes as a familiar giggle rings in his ears.

"Okay?" (Y/N) finishes for him with amusement and affection shining in her eyes, making him look up with a gasp.

(Y/N) offers him a bright grin, Clement's eyes wide as he shakily laughs in disbelief and joy as she wipes some blood that didn't belong to her off her cheek.

"(Y/N)!" Javier greets with relief as he runs over, (Y/N) turning to him with a wave.

"Hey, Javi!" she greets back, noticing Kate and Gabe running over. "Gabe! Are you all right?"

Gabe manages a small smile, nodding. "Glad you're okay, (Y/N)."

"Course I am," (Y/N) confidently replies, gesturing to herself with a smile. "I promised Clement I would be."

(Y/N) turns back to Clement, yelping and laughing as he wraps his arms around her, picking her off the ground and spinning around with joyous laughter of relief.

"Put me down, Clem!" she laughs out, playfully pushing against his face as he shakes his head while grinning widely and tightening his arms around her.

Kate breathes out in relief as she sets a hand on her chest, Javier smiling and wrapping one arm around her shoulders, wrapping his other around Gabe's as they watch the scene. The sun shines down on the group, bringing a calmly, gentle warmth in its wake.



3 Days Later...

Javier walks into the church, approaching the small stage were Kate stood. He stands at her side, the two exchanging sad expressions as Javier pins a photo of David on the wall, next to Tripp's and many other fallen.

"I'm sorry, Javi," Kate softly apologizes, taking his hand in hers. "But please... Don't blame yourself for it. If you're feeling any guilt... Bury it. I mean it. You did all you could to save him."

"David..." Javier starts, closing his eyes and sighing deeply. "David would want me to move on. Move forward."

Kate nods at this, offering him a small smile as he manages one back. They turn and walk down the aisle of the church towards the doors, a comforting silence resting over them.

"... Usually the quiet scares me," Kate comments after a moment.

"What about now?" Javier questions as they stop by the doors, turning to her.

Kate sighs through her nose, rubbing the back of her neck. "There's a lot of work to be done. The herd could come back. Still, though... I feel more calm here than... than I ever did in an old van on streets with no streetlights," she smiles softly. "We earned this, Javi. We earned feeling calm in the quiet."

She faces him fully, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Let's start a family. You and me," she suggests quietly, tilting her head with a smile. "A fresh start. What do you say? I think it'd be good for us."

Javier smirks with a raised brow, chuckling and nodding. "You're on. Let's start a family."

(?) Kate will remember that

Kate's face lights up. "You don't think it's selfish? It's not too the safest world outside of Richmond. Or... inside it, truth be told."

"So long as I got you?" Javier chuckles under his breath, taking her hand. "I'm not too worried about it."

He gently cups her cheek, bringing her in for a loving kiss. They pull away, Kate grinning as her hand rests on his chest.

She sighs softly, turning and looking towards the photos. "We'll be up there before we know it."

"Better do something worthwhile in the meantime," Javier replies, nodding with a reassuring grin.

Kate's smile returns as she nods back, the two walking hand in hand outside of the church.






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