Crossing the Highway

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They did Ava dirtyyy honestly 😭

Tripp too.




The group make their way onto the highway pass, Javier stopping to check around as the others do the same, waiting for the okay.

"Keep your eyes open, stay aware of your surroundings," David firmly says, making them turn to him. "All of you. Let's move out."

David takes the lead, Clement rolling his eyes lightly as (Y/N)'s nose crinkles in annoyance, the group slowly following after him as Javier walks at his side.

"... When we found Kate earlier, she hugged you," David comments after a moment, Javier's eyes shifting towards him. "Why do you think she hugged you? Why was that? Just wondering."

Javier clears his throat awkwardly, deciding now wasn't the best time to tell David. "... You really wanna know? Then ask her."

David scoffs bitterly, "She won't even make eye contact with me."

David shakes his head and walks up ahead, walking up a metal ramp towards the highway. Javier follows, gasping as he glances down and notices a man being attacked by walkers. They surround him as he screams in terror, the walkers sinking their teeth into the man and knocking him over as they tear him apart.

"We need to be careful up here or the exact same thing will happen to us," David warns, his eyes narrowed as he looks between the group. "Stay sharp, and do not fire your guns. We're going to be fine. That guy was all alone. We're not."

With that, he turns and pulls himself up onto the highway, the others following closely.

Two walkers start to rise when they notice them, snarling softly as they turn and start limping towards the group.

"Everyone stay back. Let Javi and I clear out these walkers," David tells them, Javier nodding as he takes out his baseball bat.

Javier focuses on a walker approaching, expertly bringing his baseball bat back. He grunts as he swings it with great strength, bashing the side of the walker's temple in as David handles the other.

"Good to go," David quietly mumbles, turning to the others. "Let's move."

Javier notices Gabe struggling to climb over the railing to the highway, rushing over and helping him. He glances to his right, his eyes widening at the sight of a large group of walkers slowly making their way to them.

He takes out his baseball bat for safety, stopping his movements when he sees Gabe hasn't moved.

"You okay, bud?" Javier questions in concern, tilting his head.

Gabe doesn't reply, sighing as he starts walking behind the group with Javier next to him.

"... When I was little," he speaks up after a few silent moments, "Dad used to ask me what I wanted to be when I was a man. And I'd point at him." Gabe bitterly smiles, "He always liked that. I thought he was such a great guy... it would always make him smile. Every time."

"If he asked you again right now, would you say the same?" Javier asks with furrowed brows.

Gabe sighs softly, "He hasn't asked me yet."

Javier nods at this, looking around the area as the two walk a few paces in silence. A walker rises swiftly from behind a car, approaching Kate and (Y/N). Clement turns at this with narrowed eyes, (Y/N) kicking the shin of the walker and knocking it to its knees as Kate slams her crowbar into its forehead, killing it.

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