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Flashbacks will be indicated with this:




The three pant lightly as they continue running, the herd thickening with more walkers as it draws nearer to their location.

"There it is!" (Y/N) breathlessly yells, nodding up ahead.

There was a large, reinforced wall surrounding the community Prescott, lookouts on the wall and a light shining down in front of the gates. People scrambled to get inside as a large group of walkers notices them, snarling while approaching the front gates.

"Get to the gate!" Clement shouts, holding his shotgun in one hand and setting his other between her shoulder blades, gently pushing her ahead as they run.

Clement fires his shotgun at a walker, Javier swerving to dodge some as the gates begin to creak loudly, pulling shut.

"Keep going! They'll open it for us!" (Y/N) encourages, running a bit to the left and into Clement to avoid a walker as he fires at it.

"Shit!" Javier yelps as he skids to a stop, moving around the walker before running after the two.

Clement slams his fist on the gate with Javier, (Y/N) drawing her pistol and aiming it at the incoming walkers.

"Hey!" Javier shouts loudly, banging his hands on the gate.

"Open up!" Clement implores, backing away with a concerned expression.

(Y/N) continues aiming at the walkers with narrowed eyes, the closest one shot down from above.

She quickly looks up, Tripp firing an assault rifle at the walkers before looking down at the three.

"I can't open the gate 'til you clear them out!" he shouts, shaking his head with a firm expression. "Can't risk it!"

Javier nods at this, turning to the walkers and raising his pistol (Y/N) gave him before. He fires at the first walker he sees, Clement firing his shotgun and cocking it after each shot. (Y/N) takes out her machete, swinging it down onto a shorter walker's skull before spinning and slicing half of another's head off.

A walker comes up behind her, making her quickly turn and drop her machete as she holds its forehead back with one hand. She takes her pistol out with straining grunts, aiming it under the chin of the walker and firing.

Nothing happens.

Her eyes widen as she clicks the trigger multiple times, the bullets not firing as puffs of smoke leave the barrel of her gun. She yelps as she stumbles from the weight of the walker, dropping her gun to hold back the walker using both hands.

"Clem!" she yells, fear in her tone as she struggles to hold the walker back. "These bullets won't fire!"

Clement's gaze snaps to her as he gasps, (Y/N) yelping as she falls backwards with the walker over her. She presses her hand against the side of the walker's face and holds it back as it snaps its rotting teeth her way, her other hand gripping the walker's one arm back away from her.

He looks down at his shotgun, quickly deciding against it in fear of one of the shrapnel shells hitting her. "Fuck!"

Clement starts dashing over while taking his knife out as Javier turns to her with wide eyes, aiming his pistol and firing it at the walker. The bullet strikes clean through the walker's temple, (Y/N) grunting as she shoves it off her with panting breaths.

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