Prescott Overrun

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Anyone else kind of like Max's character? He seems like a genuine guy, wary of others but mostly normal. He even disapproves of Badger's actions, and doesn't know the full story on what happened because he wasn't present when Badger shot Mariana.

Like Carver's camp in Season Two, I wish we got to see more of Prescott and its people ;-; We never really learned anything about it, other than seeing some people and the outside of buildings.


Anyway! Onto the chapter!




Clement slows the vehicle to a stop as they near Prescott's front gates, Javier swiftly exiting and looking towards the town anxiously. (Y/N) unbuckles her seatbelt and steps out of the car, Clement doing the same. Javier turns to them, (Y/N) nodding to the man as Clement leans his forearm on the car. Javier nods back, turning and dashing to the gates.

He slams them open, panting softly and gasping when he sees Tripp working on his van.

"You're back," Tripp notices, leaning away from the van engine.

"How's Kate?" Javier quickly questions, coming to a stop. "Uh, i--is she..."

"Just came out of surgery," Tripp points his thumb over his shoulder. "Eleanor's still with her."

Javier follows the gesture, spotting Kate laying down on a cot with a bandaged torso, Eleanor sitting next to her.

"You'd best get over to the infirmary," Tripp urges, side-eyeing Javier.

He doesn't reply, quickly jogging over to Kate and Eleanor. Javier kneels at Kate's side, Kate unconscious and her expression pained.

Eleanor turns when she hears movement, her eyes flicking to Javier. "You made it back."

Javier takes Kate's hand in his, pressing his forehead to the back of her hand with a shaky sigh.

"... She asked for you, you know," Eleanor informs, her tone laced with disapproval.

He focuses on Kate's face, not responding to Eleanor. He does spare a glance towards Eleanor, quickly turning back to Kate.

"Those bastards did her one favor, at least," Eleanor sighs, rising and dusting her hands off. "Any lower and that bullet would have torn her stomach lining as well."

Javier's brows furrow in sadness as his thumb strokes Kate's hand.

"Your boy Gabe... he seems really fierce," she comments, a soft laugh leaving her. "He wanted to help so badly. He practically forced me to let him stay."

Javier snorts under his breath, "That's Gabe."

Eleanor's face falls as she shakes her head. "But she was bleeding so much, he... got overwhelmed."

He nods at her words, gently laying Kate's hand back down and rising. "When is she gonna be up on her feet again?"

"... She's stable, for now." Eleanor grimly replies, her brows furrowing sadly. "But... she's still bleeding inside. I don't want to lie to you. It's... probably just a matter of time. I... I wish I could do more."

Javier felt his heart drop, his stomach twisting as his eyes widen. "N-- No. I don't accept that. I... I can't..."

"I've done everything I can for now. I'm sorry, Javi." She apologizes, looking away from Javier as she sighs. "I'm going to get cleaned up," she holds her blood-soaked, gloved hands up for emphasis. "You may want to find Gabe. He looked pretty upset when he left."

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