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You know

I'm sad Clementine only gets one flashback if she's alone (not including the ones where she meets Ava and has AJ taken).

She gets two with Jane, and two with Kenny /: But only the one if she's alone.

So! I made up my own :D That's why it took a few hours to get up ): Sorry about that!

Anyway! Onto le chapter!




Clement sighs to himself quietly as he looks around the outside of an abandoned rest stop, rusted and broken vehicles scattered around with discarded trash and papers. It was off the side of a highway, a thick forest behind it and to the other side of the road.

He leans against a low car parked next to a gas pump, AJ strapped to his back and looking around with curious eyes as he gurgles softly.

Clement hisses lightly as a small shock of pain shoots through his hand, making him lift it in front of his face to inspect it. A white bandage was wrapped around his hand and over the amputation of his ring finger, Clement's nose crinkling at the sight as he roughly exhales and lowers his hand away with a sigh.

"Okay," (Y/N) cheerfully calls, making him jump as she emerges from around the rest stop building. "I checked out the area," she confirms, sheathing her machete. "Only two walkers. I handled them easily, though."

She walks over, AJ cooing happily when he notices her and reaches his hands out.

"You okay?" Clement questions in concern, pushing himself off the car and unfolding his arms.

(Y/N) smiles as she gently grabs one of AJ's hands, AJ giggling as he plays with her fingers. "Yup! Told you, I handled them easily."

She pulls her hand away from AJ, shrugging off her backpack and setting it down on the car hood as she unzips it. "Okay... we need water, maybe some food if there's any inside, and..."

(Y/N) trails off as she frowns, clearing her throat.

"And...?" Clement urges, tilting his head with a raised brow.

"... Okay!" (Y/N) doesn't reply as she zips her bag up loudly, shrugging it back on as she unsheathes her machete. "You wait here with AJ while I check out inside."

Clement's expression hardens, his good hand clenching at his side. "I can still help you, (Y/N). I'm fine."

"Clem," (Y/N) speaks firmly, giving him a stern look. "Your hand is still healing. It's only been a few weeks. You need to give it time and rest it!"



(Y/N) cuts him off, giving him a pout and puppy dog eyes. Clement deadpans at this, his eyebrow twitching lightly before he quickly turns away to hide his blush with a sigh. (Y/N) grins at this, knowing he was starting to give in as his shoulders slump in defeat.

"... Fine," he grumbles after a moment, turning back to (Y/N) as he takes his pistol out.

"I won't need that," (Y/N) reassures, shaking her head when he goes to hand it to her. "I have this," she shows off her machete with a small grin. "Keep that in case a walker shows up."

As she goes to leave, AJ makes a high-pitched crying sound, reaching for her in protest.

(Y/N) smiles in mock exasperation, turning back to him. "Aw, come on, bud! I'll be back in just five minutes," she promises, taking his small hand between her fingers and squeezing it comfortingly.

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