Two Enter, One Leaves

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The New Frontier's banner hung above the gallows, a statue with a flag wrapped around it staring blankly at the ground. Everyone in Richmond was crowded by the stage as the sun slowly rises, Joan standing and addressing them on it as Clint stands off to the side.

"I don't know about the rest of you," she feigns sadness, shaking her head. "But I didn't want to be here today."

David stood on a stool, a noose tied around his neck and his hands bound behind his back.

"But the people of Richmond deserve to be safe!"

Javier, Clement, Gabe and (Y/N) approach the back of the crowd, Javier's eyes wide at the sight of his brother.

"David Garcia has to be punished for what he's done!" Joan shouts firmly, nodding.

"Shit..." Javier hisses, shaking his head with a scowl.

Gabe swallows nervously. "We can't wait for the others, can we?"

"For years now," Joan continues, walking along the stage and looking over the crowd. "Richmond has been governed by one simple principle. Strong council, strong community."

Some people cheer at this, others watching with a hint of horror.

"But unfortunately, the actions of one of the members of that council, our security expert, David Garcia, have put us all in danger!" Joan glares towards David, walking in front of a large white curtain covering something.

"She's lying to all of you!" David yells, shaking his head.

The people exchange unsure, fearful looks, remaining quiet.

Joan side-glares David, turning back to them. "I'm sorry to have to show you this. Truly, I am. But you all need to see! Just look what he's done!"

A soldier pulls back the white curtain, revealing Badger's corpse in a coffin. His head was covered by a sack, the people gasping in horror at the sight.

"He murdered this man in cold blood!" Joan screams, marching towards the front of the stage. "Is this who we want in charge? Someone this reckless?!"

Javier grits his teeth in anger, scoffing before walking through the crowd towards Joan.

"This cruel?!" she demands, gesturing around wildly. "Not if I have anything to do with it!"

"I can't believe this is really happening," Gabe murmurs, him and (Y/N) and Clement following Javier through the crowd. "She's going to kill him! She can't do this-- He's kept them safe!"

"Try to keep your cool," Javier lowly replies, looking through the crowd warily. "Joan's smart. But we're smarter. We just have to be careful."

Gabe nods, his expression hardening. "We can't screw this up, Javi."

Joan's eyes scan the crowd, pausing when she notices the man. "Javier!" she greets with a smug smile, her brows furrowing. "I'd heard you were planning to crash our little party. Why don't you come on up here? Show your face to everyone."

People around Javier gasp and back away from him, Clement watching them with narrowed eyes as his hand hovers around (Y/N)'s back.

"I'm sure these people would like to hear what you have to say," Joan continues, glaring with a smile down at Javier.

Javier scoffs, "Happy to! Been waiting for this all day!"

He replies, marching forward and standing a few feet from the front of the stage.

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