Episode One: Ties that Bind

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Present Day, Two Years After 'Still Not Bitten'...

Walkers snarl as they bear their rotting teeth, some missing limbs and chunks of flesh from their decaying skin as they move in a large herd. Kate and Javier stand off at a safe distance, watching the herd and timing their movement speed with a stop watch.

"Tell me when it reaches the campfire," Kate softly speaks to Javier, watching the time on the watch.

Kate had her hair braided, draped down her shoulder with her wispy side bangs on the right side of her face. She wore her necklace, a golden chain with an upside down crescent shaped moon hanging off it, a dark pink faded and dirty flannel over her dark green tank top, and a pair of dark blue jeans.

Javier observes the herd through a pair of binoculars, his dark brown hair a little longer and a stubble decorating his face. He wore his old baseball jersey, the white more of a light grey from dirt, with patches of blood scattered along it in some areas. He wore a sheathe around his clothing, his baseball bat resting behind his back, and wore a pair of light blue jeans.

"Man," Javier breathes out as he lowers the binoculars, staring at the sea of walkers. "I don't think I've seen this many. It's definitely growing."

"Yeah..." Kate solemnly agrees, nodding with a grim look. "Not a great sign."

Javier checks back at the herd as they meet the fire, spotting his water bottle resting on the ground and groaning in disappointment, "damn it. I left my water bottle. Herd just got there."

Kate stops her watch, sighing in the back of her throat with concern. "Just under four hours. Come on. We should keep moving while the kids are asleep."

"Yeah," Javier mumbles, turning and following after Kate to the van.

She climbs in the passenger front seat as Javier climbs into the driver's seat, sighing tiredly as he clicks his seatbelt on.

They speed down the road, leaves still growing on branchy trees and the moon lighting the road ahead for them. The pots and pans hanging along the van sides rattle softly, some cans of food shifting around from momentum of the van driving along the bumpy road.

Marianna, now 10, was sleeping in the back of the van along the seats, her headphones over her ears and her hands tucked under her head acting as a pillow. She wore a headband over her short brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and wore a light grey and pink hoodie, as well as dark jeans with some rips in them.

"Looks like the herd is speeding up a little," Kate shakes her head, jotting down the herd's time. "I thought it was drifting southwest, but I'm not sure anymore."

Gabriel, now 14, was resting in one of the van's separate seats in front of Marianna, his arms folded over his chest and his mouth open slightly as he snored lightly. He wore his orange  beanie he's had since he was young over his head, a blue jacket over his arms and over a white shirt he wore and had a pair of dark blue jeans on.

"Every time I think we should just bed down somewhere and wait for it to pass, I can't shake the thought of us getting caught in the middle of it," Kate continues fearfully, shaking her head. "It just keeps coming. It's slow, but that almost makes it worse. Makes it feel like... We're in control."

"We should keep moving," Javier quietly replies, focusing on the road ahead. "It's worked for us so far. As long as we stay supplied, we're fine."

(?) Kate will remember that

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