Episode Three: Above the Law

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The street was dark, only the moon lighting the area as crickets chirped softly.

"I hate being out in the dark," Kate whispers fearfully, her and Javier quietly making their way down the road. "It's harder to see them coming..."

She held a hammer in her hand as she led Javier, Javier looking around warily.

"We're just going to get that propane and then come right back," he reassures gently, adjusting his grip on his tire iron."

"I-- I saw it in that pickup parked down the road a little-- in front of the Wallace's house," she informs, sighing softly. "I just wish there was an easier way to get it. And that we didn't have to risk life and limb... every damn day. For food, and water, and gas for the stove..." she sighs once more, glancing at him with a frown. "Am I babbling? I babble when I'm scared."

Javier lightly grabs her shoulder. "I can do this myself, you know? Not too late for you to turn around."

She turns to him with wide eyes. "Who's going to watch your back if I'm not here?!"

Javier smiles at this, Kate exhaling sharply.

"Besides, I can't just hole up in this house forever," Kate swallows thickly, trying to calm her nerves. "I need-- I need to get used to being out here."

"Okay," Javier quietly replies, nodding. "If we're lucky, we won't see a single one of those things."

"Fingers crossed," she weakly replies, trying to be enthusiastic.

Javier takes the lead, jogging with Kate right behind them as they run to the Wallace's house. Soon, they come across a pickup truck parked in front of the house.

"There it is!" Kate breathes out in relief, glad they didn't encounter a monster.

They circle around the truck to the bedding, Javier smiling when he sees the propane tank.

"Let's take it and go," he tells her, stepping forward and grabbing the handle of the propane tank.

He grunts as he drags it off the truck bed, frowning with furrowed brows as he raises it up and down with ease.

"Empty..." Javier realizes, his face falling.

Kate's eyes widen as she grabs it from him, scowling as she shakes it. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" she yells. "God, damn it!"

She throws the tank in frustration, the tank crashing onto the street with a loud bang as Javier winces, his eyes darting around for any monsters.

Kate scoffs as she starts pacing, "Of course it's empty. Why would we get that lucky? I mean, it's not like we needed it or anything."

"Hey, hey, hey," Javier softly interrupts, stepping closer to her. "Don't beat yourself up about it. It was worth a shot. It just... didn't work out."

Kate breathes out deeply, turning to him with tearful eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just sick of this shit," she quietly speaks, sitting down on the porch steps with a sigh. "I just thought... this one time... we deserved to catch a fucking break."

Javier kneels down behind her, setting a comforting hand on her back. They don't notice the door to the Wallace's house was slightly opened, the door pushing open the rest of the way and a little boy walker staggering out.

The walker snarls, grabbing Javier from behind as he gasps in alarm.

"Oh, my God!" Kate screams, swiftly jumping to her feet and turning to them. "Javi!"

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