Episode Five: From the Gallows

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Previously, on War Among Humanity...

"Whatever this... Thing is between us," Kate swallows nervously, facing Javier. "I want to give it a chance! And... I know the fact that David is back in our lives now makes this whole thing a little more complicated, but... Do you feel the same way?"


"I'm in," Javier replies, nodding with a loving smile. "All the way."

"Oh, my God, really?!" Kate swiftly sits up in her seat, turning to him with a delighted gasp.



"Just look what he's done!"

A soldier pulls back a white curtain, revealing Badger's corpse.


"I had a very interesting conversation with your friend Eleanor last night," Joan informs, her eyes flicking towards the crowd. "Isn't that right, Eleanor?"

"We did," Eleanor replies firmly, crossing her arms over her chest.


"You've put me in a no-win situation here!" she continues, smirking as she looks down at Javier. "So, I'm going to do the same thing to you. Both of them deserve to die for their crimes... However, Javi, I'll let you spare one of them. Just one."

Javier's face falls, his eyes darting between Tripp and Ava.


"Tripp has to live," Javier weakly replies, shaking his head. "He's invaluable."


"Shoot him."

"Wait! I said Tripp should live!!" Javier yells, rushing forward.


The soldier fires his gun, shooting Tripp through the side of his temple.

"No!!" Eleanor sobs out in horror.


"How about you take David, and the rest of your people, and just get the hell out?" Clint offers in a firm voice, giving Javier a pleading look.


Javier nods, sighing. "We're leaving. All of us. Right now."


David smiles at the crowd, Javier watching him with narrowed eyes as he approaches an unsuspecting guard. He punches the soldier's gut, taking his gun and bashing it against another guard's face.


Clint and David fight for the pistol, Gabe running up and grabbing Clint. Clint quickly shoves him away from danger, David using this to shoot at Clint's face. Blood and brains splatter over Gabe, a gasp of horror leaving him.


"It's Kate!" Clement coughs out, rushing over to Javier with (Y/N). "She's coming for us!"


A soldier throws a Molotov at the truck engine, Kate screaming as the truck starts to swerve.

"Oh, shit!"

Javier lunges to the right, out of the path of the truck as it flies past him. It collides with Richmond's wall, gasoline dripping out of the engine as the flames draw closer to it.

"Oh, God!" Javier breathes out, his eyes wide.

"Oh no!" (Y/N) gasps, shaking her head frantically. "Javier, the truck's going to--!"

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