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Hervé Amadeo Faivri Legrand

At the university, I met Caren, who is studying law just like Fabio and is in the same class as him. I had a crush on her and really went after her, using Fabio to have a chance to meet her and really get close to her.

I brought her to my house so she could meet my mom, and she instantly clicked with her because we are studying and hope to work in the same industry after we graduate. My mother truly dreams of having a lawyer children and even in law, so it makes it easier for me to navigate my life and relationships.

Our marriage was a great success, but now that I'm interested in aviation, I want a new chapter in my life. Our ambition of running our own law firm is slowly fading away. Caren's career is in Italy, but I have to relocate to Dubai for work. We worked things out and made the decision to keep the business, but my mom and my wife will now run it. After that, I have to return to Italy anytime I have free time, and Caren will do the same if she has no cases to attend to.

Balancing personal relationships while being a pilot is extremely difficult and demanding. Every time I come home, all I want to do is relax and indulge in our solitude. 

The majority of wives of pilots are so lonely and bored that they participate significantly in volunteer work and party planning in the community. They establish a network or join clubs close to the house. I acknowledge that I work more and don't have enough time for Caren.

We argue all the time over my absence, so I'm making sure that even with my limited time, I can still give it my all in other areas.

She eventually decided to go to Dubai with me since she was so jealous and paranoid, but this also meant that her employment would decrease because she would only be able to work online and with paperwork.

I'm not sure why, but everything seemed to have changed abruptly. It felt quieter and less like we were interacting, and she seemed to have moved on with her life without trying to involve me in her plans.

Unexpectedly while we went about our daily lives, having a quiet dinner and going to bed, Caren gave me the pregnancy test as I was leaving work. I want a child but I was more scared in my mind because of the state of my marriage right now, which makes me feel as though a child shouldn't be a part of our chaos especially right now.

If there is a child, he should come into a warm, joyful home, not a chilly, dismal one like mine is today. Her revelation wasn't thrilling; rather, it made me feel dreadful.  And at that same moment, I realized that perhaps she was worrying just as much as I was worrying.

She gave me the pregnancy test right away, acting as like she couldn't even accept the results. Caren has been really cold recently, and my work schedule hasn't helped either because I need to concentrate on my job right now in order to get the promotion I'm aiming for. My marriage isn't doing very well, but I also need to decide what matters more to me right now.

My sister, who is organizing my wedding anniversary celebration in Italy, never stops telling me about it. It appears that my family is the ones who are most eager to celebrate the anniversary of Caren and my marriage. She also said that now would be the ideal moment to declare that we are finally expecting a child. A recent addition to the family.

"A few of the guys from law school will be invited, and because you, Fabio, and Reno have always been the three idiots, it only seems fair to have you three play some games." my sister sounded as jolly as usual.

"A game? Giulia, what kind of stupid game is this again? I'm traveling to Italy right after work, and I need to rest, you know." Tomorrow morning at two in the morning, I'll arrive in Italy, and the party will start rolling after lunchtime. 

"I thought there's going to be a gender reveal?" she asked. "Of course you need to play some baby games! Dont worry you will be joined with Fabio and Reno,"

"I will do anything for the baby but—"

"No buts! You're going to be a dad now so we expect you to be the doting one, alright? It's just a game like drinking milk in a baby bottle or something,"

Fabio and Reno are my friends in the university. We met because of law and now still bestfriends even though I'm constantly away and busy because of work. They're all in italy and i am permanently living in dubai now.

I've heard that Reno is currently working on cases at my mother's law firm and has been moved there. The company is owned by my mother, who had intended to pass it on to my wife and me. However, since I moved to Dubai, she has been left with only Caren and my best friend Reno.

Thinking about the possibility that the reason my marriage will succeed is because we have been unexpectedly blessed with a child. The timing is perfect, and I saw it as a sign that maybe having a child will save my marriage and help Caren and I reconnect.

I can't wait to see Caren when I get home and find out if our child is doing well. I can't wait to be with her and start fixing my life. Although my family is unaware of the problem, it was heartwarming to watch them go above and beyond to congratulate us, and it motivated me to work really hard at mending my relationship with Caren.

On His Roster (Aviación  #1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now