He wanted Nate no doubt, but then what?
Was he gonna keep hovering around the young man forever?
He didn't even know if Nate felt that way for him too or he was just the one pulling his hair out over nothing.

And he had seen one too many times what feeling did to people in this world, it was a weakness and if not handled properly, it would get you killed.
There was a reason a lot of people feared him in the underworld of crime, and it wasn't because of feelings and desire, it was his ruthlessness, his ability to shut off his emotions and become heartless in a matter of seconds

But all that was beginning to change in him, and he wasn't the only one seeing it, and if more than five people noticed he was getting sloppy, it wouldn't take long for them to start planning to overthrow him, or worse, kill him.

He wasn't even sloppy yet and someone was trying to kill him.
Nate was beginning to make him soft, and he didn't like it
He wanted to put an end to it, and no better way to do that than to give him space.

He'd tried to get him off his mind by doing something that distracts him but it didn't work out, instead he felt even more shitty than he did before

He'd tried to have sex with Scarlett at the club after he left Nate's place Friday night.
He thought it would help curb the conflict he was having inside.

It was fruitless, he remembered Scarlett trying everything humanly possible to get him hard, but the more she tried the more flaccid his dick got, if that was even possible.

It was like his whole system shut down when he went to her.
Not even his mind could concentrate on her or what she was doing, instead he kept thinking of Nate, and it didn't help the guilty feeling that slowly consumed him.

He didn't have a choice than to send her away.
Then he decided that maybe if he stayed away from Nate for a while, he would stop thinking about him, he would stop feeling anything for him, and he'd forget the way it felt to hold Nate's hand in his.


"Whenever you're in the country, call me, i might have a few properties that are available for you" Spade said to the man on the screen of his tablet, it was placed on the table in front of him while he sat on the chair facing the screen, he could see the person's face clearly, huge and covering all parts of the screen.

"Will do Mr DeVille, I liked the last property I got from you, at first I was skeptical about it but now i see why you were reluctant to let me leave without acquiring it, I must say you have an eye for good stuff" the man muttered making Spade to give him an almost invincible nod of approval.

He was about to say something when he saw the pop up on the screen, Matteo was calling, he furrowed his brows his mind wondering why Matteo was calling him on his office line, then he remembered he'd turned off his personal line, he always does that during work hours.

"I'm gonna have to call you back Mr Stein" he told the man on the screen, and the man just nodded

He didn't wait a second before ending the call and taking Matteo's call.

"What is it Matteo"? He heard shuffling in the background as if the blonde was walking or maybe even running.

"Spade, you need to get to the warehouse now, there's been an issue" Matteo rushed out, his voice coming out in short laboured breaths, this got Spade's attention as he quickly sat up straight, picking up the tablet from the table.

"What happened"? He asked in alarm

"Just get here as soon as you can, I can't tell you over the phone" he sighed out

"Okay, I'll be there" he ended the call and picked up his phone and car keys, he dashed out of the office and headed straight to his car.

He drove as fast as he could, not minding that he was violating traffic laws, soon enough he stopped in front of the warehouse.

Stepping out of the car he made his was inside the warehouse, he passed through each corridor and stairs untill he got to the one that led to his office, he stopped In front of his door, pushing it open he entered to find Matteo and Bernie, while the blonde stood on one side of the room, Bernie was pacing the office.

The moment he sighted Spade, he stopped and stood on the other side of the office, lowering his head in respect to Spade.

"What happened"? Spade asked, his eyes darting between the both of them, Matteo let out a deep sigh before pulling the paper bag that was kept on one of the chairs in front of his table.
He looked at Spade, watching as the man ticked with impatience, he slowly opened the bag and handed it to Spade, watching as he took the bag, slowly peering inside with caution.

He didn't expect what he saw in there, he almost gagged seeing the severed head of one of his men, bloodied and eyes open staring right back at him, lifeless.

He felt his stomach churn, bile rose up his throat, killing as many people as he had, it didn't make seeing something like this any less pleasant.

Matteo handed him a note, as he dropped the paper bag on the ground with a thud, he opened the paper and read the contents, feeling his whole body boil with anger, he clutched to the edges of the paper tightly as if he would rip it.
With blood shot angry eyes, he turned to look at Matteo first
"Who sent this"? He growled out before shifting his gaze to Bernie on his right

"I found it at the back of the warehouse, I was doing my usual sweep of the whole place, ensuring everyone was in place and nothing was out of the ordinary when I found it, laying around at the back" Bernie explained "I didn't see anyone around and there is no return address, I called you but it went right to voicemail then I called Matteo and he came as fast as he could"

Spade gritted his teeth in annoyance and frustration, he turned to face Matteo, his eyes asking for a plausible explanation for what he was looking at
"I came as soon as he called and when I saw the note, at first I thought it was Ryan, so I called him, he didn't pick up at first" he paused before continuing "then I kept calling him hoping to get through, I was already feeling it in my gut that he did this, but I couldn't pinpoint a reason why he'd do this, then he called me from a burner phone" Matteo chewed on his inner cheek again.
"Apparently after the funeral, Liam's lawyer was supposed to go over to his house yesterday and read the will to Liam's wife, at least the part that he asked the lawyer to read to her, after that he was to meet Ryan and read the remaining part to him but he didn't even leave his home, someone attacked and killed him, they razed his house to the ground leaving no evidence of anything there, not even the papers he was supposed to take to Liam's house, his office was also burned down, everything, both the original and back up files were all lost"

Spade listened with rapt attention, all the while trying to curb the anger rising inside of him, he balled his hands into a fist on his side, clenching his jaw.

"A few hours after that happened, Liam's uncle took control of everything, the mafia, his businesses, his houses, everything he ever had, Ryan and a few others went into hiding, but not before they convinced Liam's wife and son to go with them" Matteo's eyes fell on the paper bag on the ground
"I'm guessing this is Liam's uncle's attempt to cut off all alliances with you"
Matteo finished, and Spade didn't even know what to do or how to feel, his blood was boiling hot with rage.
He wanted blood, not just any blood but Liam's uncle's blood

He gritted his teeth and brushed his hand over his face, stopping at his beards he weaved his fingers into it, caressing the pricky hairs there.
He wouldn't just let this go

Okay guys, things are getting intense, both sexually and actiony 😃😃

I know I said I wouldn't update again I'm a few days, but I decided to do this because I was bored and I want you guys to have something to read from me

Do enjoy

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