"Leia-" He began, but she interrupted him.

"I know, keep the drinking to a minimum and make sure Joaquin stays entertained."

"What do you want me to do?" Mateo asked, pocketing his phone.

"Oh, you know, do what you do best and not leave any voids of silence unfilled." Felix says, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"That's code for you talk too much." Leia laughed, getting a glare in return from Mateo.

While those two began to engage in light bantering, I suddenly feel a hand reach my lower back, before Fernando's lips move to my ear. He bent down, muttering, "You sit next to me," 

"Okay." I whispered, turning my head just as our guests were arriving.

Joaquin was the first to walk through the threshold, and in comes another man with dark brown hair that went a little past his ears, but was very well kempt. And he was extremely attractive.

I tore my eyes away from him and brought them to the women standing beside him. I recognized her to be Joaquin's sister. I mean, the resemblance was uncanny, she was exactly what I expected based on Leia's description. She was gorgeous. Her fair complexion and waist length brown hair complimented her round face, button up nose and heart-shaped lips, that were painted red.

"Welcome, hermano!" Fernando said as he greeted Joaquin, and they shook hands.  -brother-

"Fernando—" Joaquin clears his throat before glancing at me, "Jazmin." I smiled, nodding my head as to greet him.

"This is my cousin, Manolo." Joaquin introduced, and I shook the Manola character's hand, noting how firm it was.

"Lovely to meet your acquaintance." his deep voice spoke, my eyes reached his face and since he was very close, I could see his eyes, noticing one was blue and the other was brown.

"You as well." I said, marveling at his appearance before releasing his hand.

He greeted everyone else while I toned into the exchange between Audrey and Fernando, hearing her state, "Fernando, it's so great to see you again... And you've changed so considerable. I might even say you've gotten finer with age." she smiled wide as she reached in for a hug. Jealousy pinged in my chest.

"Uhm." I cleared my throat, interrupting them." Audrey, right?" I smiled as her eyes reached mine.

"Hola, and you are?" she questioned, the high-pitched tone in her voice no longer present.

"Audrey meet Jazmin." Fernando says, as his hand comes to my waist and he tucks me into his side. I knew it was a harmless gesture, but part of me reveled in the familiarity of it.

"Nice to meet you." I said, sticking my palm out for her to shake, and she glanced at it before turning her attention back to Fernando.

"Oh, so this is the rumored girlfriend?" she spoke in a condescending tone, interlocking her fingers behind her back. And somehow her stance allowed her breasts to appear bigger.

"Si! This is my girlfriend," Fernando hissed, his eyes narrowed at her and I get this weird impression that something happened between them.

She looked over at me before saying, "I've heard a lot about you, Jazmin."

"Same with you." I told her.

"I hope all good things."

"Well mostly." I joked, and she pursed her lips together, not amused.

"You're a cheeky one, aren't you? She doesn't seems like the ideal girl for you, Fernando." she smiled, but the tone she held was very bitter.

"Excuse me?" I scrunched my eyebrows, ready to question her on the matter, but was cut off by Leia.

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