The man looked from Matteo to Spade before he opened his mouth
"We haven't gotten anything yet, we're looked at all the surveillance cameras around the area but it seems that whoever did it, really covered their tracks, the video footage was wiped off" he paused for a while
"But after snooping around the scene of the shooting, some people around the area confirmed to have seen a bike with two men wearing black scouting that place four days before the party, they were unable to give a detailed description of the men, they were wearing masks"

Spade let out a deep sigh, turning to look at Matteo then back at the man.
Of course they'd wear masks, typical.
This whole thing was taking a new turn and he didn't like the feeling it left in the pit of his stomach
"Have you spoken to the cops"? He asked "I mean the ones on Liam's payroll"

The man just shook his head "since Friday they've all been radio silent, none has even reached out with anything, we tried reaching out to them but it's like they've all pulled out, none is responding"

"Piece of shits" Matteo muttered feeling his anger boil in his blood, he always knew the cops who were on most mafia men's payroll were all a bunch of cowards, none was loyal even after the money stopped coming in.
He clenched his jaw as he looked at Spade, who had his hand on his beard as he was scratching at it, making a small sashay sound

"What about Liam's wife, she say anything about who might have wanted to kill her husband"? Spade asked and the man let out a deep sigh and shook his head again

"We haven't really spoken to her, though we put some men to watch her and they've reported back that the cops keeps going in and out of her home, going there now would be too risky for any of us"

Spade blew out a raspy breath from his mouth. He really hated that this was drawing out this long, how hard was it to catch just one man?
"Okay, what about leadership, you can't leave the mafia like that without a leader, it's gonna fall apart"

"Yeah, about that, we were thinking of discussing it, myself and a few others that were very close to Liam, after his funeral" the man confirmed and Spade just nodded his head slowly

Spade turned to look at Matteo before his eyes landed on Ryan again.
"Liam and I weren't exactly friends but he was there for me when I called upon him, so whatever you need to ensure you find the person that shot him, I'll have Bernie provide you with everything you need, whatever it is just ask"

The man clenched his jaw and nodded "thank you Spade, whoever killed Liam will also face the same fate when I find him, I'm gonna get justice for Liam" he voiced out with conviction and determination.

Spade nodded waving him off before raising his hands up to his eyes level and looking at his wristwatch, it was almost 5, time had gone by faster than he expected, he was late

He quickly looked at Ryan before getting up.
"I have to be somewhere now, but like I told you, if you need anything do not hesitate to call me or Matteo" he rushed out and the man nodded before giving Spade his hand for a handshake.
He took it in a firm handshake before Spade walked passed Matteo on the couch, the blonde got up and followed him outside the lounge.

"Where you going"?

"To pick up Nate, I'm already late" he rushed out stopping for a second turning to face Matteo
"Like I said give Ryan whatever assistance he needs" he paused his eyes matching blue ones "also keep an eye on him" he muttered the last part and Matteo nodded in understanding.

He knew Spade was always like that, no matter how much he shows that he trusts you, he doesn't always trust 100% and that's what has kept him alive for this long.
Even though you're as clean as a crystal, Spade can never trust you to the point where he doesn't have someone watching you for a slip up.

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