Foster Carer Part 14 (More Stealing)

Start from the beginning

I already did two reports and it was my own voice and it seemed to have got through. If I've already done two reports, which are OBVIOUSLY my own voice and it explains what I want and what I don't want and my own opinion of the situation, my own perspective, my view and position then there is absolutely no need for her to visit me anymore.

Another thing I want before I go back to Mum's is that I want my solicitor present if she is making any plans to visit again. 

On 15/02/21, Marina also decided to continue the harassment by complaining that I didn't ask first when I was getting something to eat. On the day before, she told me what I could have. On the next day, what I took was one of the things she listed. 

She can't complain about me taking things without asking just because I accidentally took some out of her son's cheese that was already opened which I thought was bought for the house and it was exactly the same as the one that was actually bought for the house. That wasn't my fault. When it's drinks, they write names on it so everyone knows whose is whose so how come they didn't do the same for the cheese? 

She was quite aggressive and unreasonable when she said that "until I'm moved'' I'll have to ask from now on. She should've bought stuff for me to cook and whatever she buys, she should write my name on and keep it aside from the others. 

She's also not really giving me much range to the food. I asked her two days ago what I could eat and all she said was "toast, eggs, pancakes'' I don't really eat toast/ bread that much. It makes me nauseous and I can't just cook pancakes for breakfast all the time and there's not really anything to eat the eggs with. At Mum's, I eat potatoes for breakfast. I think that this "asking policy" is just straight up laziness and that she needs to get up and show me physically what I can have so that I don't take someone else's stuff and write labels on food that isn't mine. 

On 09/02/21, Rebecca (the other social worker) came to take me to the Peddington Centre to show me around which is a place that they said was "middle ground" and was supposed to be an alternative to the tuition centre and less students, more staff and a place that was supposed to be like school but smaller. Marina didn't tell me where I was going (I wonder why), she just told me "Your social worker's coming, get your coats and shoes." The reason why I went was because I had no idea where I was going and that I was hoping she'd take me back to my Mum. I think that time is up at Marina's place and I felt like I shouldn't bother and just go back to my Mum and let her take care of the education which is exactly how I felt about the tuition centre.

 On the way there, I was using my phone. The social worker started threatening me in the car saying that if I am contacting my Mum then she would have to ring the police. I was very uncomfortable in the car.

Now another serious issue I'm addressing is that I kept saying that I had money because when I first came here, I had £5 with me. I kept the money in my coat pocket which has a zip. Today I checked for the money but it wasn't there. I also checked the bedroom but it wasn't there. I know that it didn't go missing anywhere else but this house because SHE is the one who kept me under lock and key and I haven't used it or touched it for MONTHS! 

The bedroom that I have been sleeping in is exposed and there's nothing lockable inside it. There's nowhere safe to keep my money. I always keep my money safe and have kept it in the same zip and whenever I've gone to get my face mask, I've always seen the £5 in there. Marina forced me to wear the new coat she got me instead of the one I wore to come here so I haven't been wearing my own original coat out. The one I wore to come here is the one with the money in so it's not my fault that it's gone missing, it has nothing to do with me. 

I distinctly remember seeing the £5 note in and it hasn't fallen out. I've always recognised it and I have always put it in the other zip that has nothing inside so that when I take something out to throw away, I don't end up taking the money out along with it so therefore I can't have lost it.

The last time I saw it was just over a month ago and since then, I haven't worn that coat except the time where I went to the Peddington Centre for a look around with the other social worker (Rebecca) when I thought I was going back to my Mum. I checked my pockets for the face mask which I couldn't find because it was in the other coat and I checked both zips and nothing fell out. Money has never gone missing when I'm with my Mum, it's a Christian family, we don't steal and we're always sensible with our money.

I think this needs to be investigated because it seems quite likely that someone barged into the room and took my £5.

I have also been complaining a lot about Marina barging into the room. She barged into the room and took my charger which I am still waiting for to be returned. Despite my complaints, she's still barging in and her bedroom is right next to the one I have been sleeping in so I don't have any privacy.

Now from what I've written, staying at Marina's is completely impossible. I want to go back to my Mum NOW! No more delays, just as soon as possible.

Isimioluwa Ekerendu

Jesus IS Lord!!!

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