Foster Carer Part 14 (More Stealing)

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Jesus is Lord!

On 12/02/21, I wanted to go to the city by myself. I'm 15 years old. I want my own space. I wanted to be open to a bit more shops and places rather than being stuck in the same area all the time and going no further. With my Mum, I walked to the city about three to four times a week for exercise. Because all the doors were locked, I asked Marina to open the door so I could go out to the city because I don't have my own key and that was the only way to open the door.

Marina's response was quite rude and unfair. She said "Are you crazy? Of course you can't. Why on earth would you ask that?" I asked because I wanted to go out and I thought that maybe she had turned over a new leaf and stopped this lock and key/house arrest nonsense and maybe hoping that she's finally agreed that what Social Services are doing to me is wrong. I said to her that I'm free to go out. She told me that had she told me already that Social Services wouldn't permit me to go out.

I felt very disappointed by her response because I think that she ought to have understood by now that I shouldn't be in this circumstance and I think that she needs to think of others a lot more cos I think she's absolutely mental. How would she like it if she was in my boat? Or if this happened to HER daughter? It obviously wouldn't be fair so she needs to think of other people. All this other offers that she's trying to give me doesn't change the fact that I'm under lock and key. She thinks that I'm being disrespectful, selfish, ungrateful blah blah blah but I would be nicer if she and everyone else just agreed, listened my points and finally said that this is completely wrong and that I should return to my Mum immediately and just apologise and agree that I should be paid compensation for this whole nonsense. 

On 15/02/21, Samantha (the social worker) came over to visit. I was really not happy when I heard she was coming over because I find her words really poisonous, lying, deceitful and just not of any good at all. When she came, I told her that I didn't want to talk but she insisted that we do.

I told Samantha that what I have to say is in my reports. She said she never actually got any of the two reports which wasn't true, my solicitor sent them to everybody. She kept lying that what I'm saying is not of my voice. I told her that I wanted to go back and that I hated being here and I gave an example but she made constant excuses for it. 

For example, I wrote in my second report about that time when Marina's son was unnecessarily aggressive to the point that I had to get Mum to call the police (which I thought was a very smart and wise decision). The social worker disregarded me and made excuses for their behaviour by saying "why?" or, "but maybe they have a reason for it". There is no reason, there is no excuse, it doesn't justify his outburst. Samantha's excuses for his outburst were all petty petty details that had way less value if not NO value, like "Oh but you never say thank you!" Like I said, I'd be thankful if they all just came to their senses and agreed that I should go back to my Mum. Until then, I don't owe them anything. I don't belong to them, they are not my family.

Also she was lying that my Mum is "ill" and that "she needs help". When I was with Mum she was completely fine and I've video-called her more than 100 times and she's completely fine. No one asked them to be here, they just came on their own will. In December 2018, social services said that they will not be with us anymore and that there's no need for their involvement but they still decided to BARGE inside, WITH police, on the 30th of October, COMPLETE disgusting abuse of power! I should not be in Marina's house AT ALL!!

She didn't ask me about Nigeria but I have already said "No Nigeria". I have a right to live here, I am a British citizen, I was born here and I have lived my whole life here. I shouldn't be forced to go and live in another country. I shouldn't be deported.

I also started telling Samantha that I wanted to go upstairs because she wasn't listening and I already knew that it was pointless telling her about some of the issues I've experienced. I've already said that I wanted my Mum to be responsible for my education and that I wanted to go back NOW. After her visit, I didn't feel happy at all, I was annoyed and very disgusted by everything she was saying. The lies, pretending like the report wasn't my voice, it was awful. I hated it.

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