Foster Carer Nightmare Part 8

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I also have another example of biased treatment. I made myself a cocoa once and she told me to close the kitchen door, I was annoyed so I went "kmt" in annoyance (kissing my teeth) and she yelled at me, "DON'T SUCK YOUR TEETH AT ME IT'S D*MN RUDE!" Excessively raising her voice, it wasn't that serious. Now the reason why I was annoyed was because other people have left the kitchen door open and Marina didn't bother them about it. Also. (even worse) her son (a lot of times) leaves the back door open, I close it when I'm downstairs because it lets in really cold air and it's way worse than leaving the kitchen door open and her son usually comes back to open it. Usually he leaves it open for the cat but otherwise he just does it for no reason and Marina never says anything to him. That's me being unfairly picked on AGAIN! And on the plus side, the window in the kitchen is always closed so there really is no big deal and it's all just petty nonsense. So that's why I was annoyed.

The backyard has a six foot fence and the gate is locked so I can't go out.

So back to the topic. I replied back to her after she yelled, "says you" because she is quite rude herself, saying I sweat all the time when it's her fault for closing all the windows. Secondly it's winter and we're all supposed to be wearing warm things so if I'm sweating then that's really not my fault. So when I went back to my (temporary) room she came to confront me that I am being very disrespectful and that I have no respect at all. She says I never say please or thank you.

Well she never says, "you're welcome" either so I guess she, by her logic, needs to have some manners too. Disproving her claim of "never" saying thank you, I did say thank you to the 16 year old girl. Marina then came to the assumption that I say please and thank you to her and nobody else. The thing is, the 16 year old was the only one who was actually behaving respectfully to me, even though I'm not fond of her and vice versa. Marina also said that I mumble bad things about them behind their backs. I've seen Marina's daughter mumble a few times and she never said anything about HER. That's another example of bias. 

I never actually mumbled, I spoke loud enough for her to hear it, my voice IS a bit deep and a bit low. Marina doesn't hear me but other people can. I don't mumble, she just can tend not to hear what I say because her hearing may not be as powerful as the children's own. For instance her daughter can actually hear me whisper when I'm on the staircase and she's in the sitting room. I told Marina that they should just tell me directly about it but she asked why they should. They're old enough and can confront me themselves, they don't need to go back and report to Marina.

I also brought up the incident where Marina was swearing and insulting me on a Saturday, that same day that her daughter had her party. I quoted her exact lines and then she started lying and trying to play the saint by saying "I never said that". 

Lies, if I am willing to complain about it then there's no WAY I can forget THAT.

She decided to bring up the topic where I called her a "witch" but yet she still insists that I called her the b word. I told her that it wasn't the b word and had good reasons for why I called her what I called her. She asked if I had reasons for calling her a witch and not the b word and I said yes. She also said that I can use all these big terms but can't do the simplest things. I told her she can't either and she asked for an example. I said "business minding". She said that basically everything about me is her business. It is NOT her business!

She has no right to invade my personal space. That is another sign of disrespect I'm pointing out. Another reason why I'm not her business is because I shouldn't be here. I should be with my Mum and brother. I am not part of Marina's family at all, we're completely separate! 

My family isn't even Dominican!

She thinks she can do whatever she wants, and I mean, WHATEVER she wants! Absolutely NO respect for personal space WHATSOEVER!

I even pointed out more examples of her bad behaviour and as usual, denial, denial, denial. I KNOW what I heard, she just kept on lying and she is trying to paint herself good. SHE is the one that is being disrespectful. During the argument, she even called me delirious. Just direct, plain insults. Mum doesn't do that, she knows when she's done something wrong and always confesses and apologises and doesn't constantly lie whenever someone brings up an example of something she's done. That's another reason why Marina's place is completely unacceptable.

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