Foster Carer Nightmare Part 12

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Jesus is Lord!

On Friday, 05/02/21, at 9:00 I was very very upset and sad that I might have had to spend my birthday at Marina's. I really wanted to spend it with my Mum and I wanted to go back on that day so that we could celebrate it. So me and Mum both agreed to suspend it and then when I go back I can celebrate my birthday there.

On Saturday, 06/02/21, I was still very upset and sad because even though I've suspended it, I still felt that it was wrong and was unfair. It's best to celebrate your birthday with your own family. On that same day, there was absolutely nothing to eat. The other girl said there was nothing to eat. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw that there was nothing to eat. They went and ordered a Japanese curry and rice meal from Wagamama. I was also offered one so then I heated it up.

But then after I heated it up was the moment I saw something quite shocking on top of the container which stands in opposition to Jesus because of its numbering. Since I am very strong about my Christian faith there was no way I could accept the food because the number "666" means the complete opposite of Christ. I was quite stunned when I saw the number and I immediately just left it on the table and walked away from it and out of the kitchen and back upstairs. I ended up skipping dinner that day because the meal that they ordered, I found very inappropriate on the numbering. There wasn't anything to cook because I don't know whose food is which and there's been a lack of information given by Marina about what I can cook.

Last Tuesday, 02/02/21, Marina's daughter threatened to slap me "like she did" someone else. How it started was that I was eating and then she told me to stop eating loudly and to be quiet. The food was quite hard and dry and nearly burnt so that's why it was loud. She threatened to slap me if I wouldn't "shut up" when I was just telling her to go and eat in the other room if the crunching was bothering her. She refused and I told her that she could end the argument but she just wanted the last word. She could've just ignored me. After the argument Marina came downstairs because she heard the both of us and she immediately sided with her daughter even though she was the one in the wrong and she is the one who threatened to slap me. She basically granted her daughter to play Tom and Jerry with me in her house. So she told her daughter that if I "have a go" at her that she can threaten to call her brother on me. I find that very aggressive, intimidating and completely unfair. I don't have anything to do with her son at all. 

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