Chapter 37: THE END

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It had been one week since we came back. I knew Shad had been eager to talk to me but I avoided him. I slept in the room next to his and didn't allow anyone come near me. "Mika, you need to open this door and talk to me. I need to know what's wrong. Why are you being like this?"
        To be honest, I didn't know how to face him after discovering that I was pregnant. I didn't know if it was Landon's or Shad's children, yes children I was having twins. As I checked it, the possible conceive date was the day Shad and I had made love and Landon raped me. 'Moon Goddess, what am I going to do?' I said in my head. I could feel Shad's sadness and it didn't help my situation. My wolf also had seemed silent the day we found out that we were carrying a pup. She didn't even know if the child was wolf or vampire.
        I was looking outside the window when Shad decided to break the door down and grab me. He hugged me so tight I almost couldn't breathe. I could feel his wolf in control. 'MATE!' My wolf and his wolf said in union. "I can't stop him anymore." And then I started to cry. "Shad, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I said while crying. "Hey, hey, stop crying. It's okay now. You're safe. We're together." He said. "I'm sorry!" Then I collapsed onto the floor but Shad grabbed me and put me in the bed.
        "There's nothing wrong Mika, you don't need to feel sorry for what that demon did to you." I couldn't hide it anymore. Shad needed to know the truth. "Shad I'm sorry but... you need to know this."
"Know what?"
"But first, promise me that you won't make a harsh decision without thinking about it throughly." I said. "Is this something about you being pregnant?"
"H-How did you know?" I almost pushed him away. "I can smell it Mika. I'm your mate. These past few days since you locked yourself in here, I stayed outside and watched over you. I'm afraid that another demon or whatever out there will take you again. Then I started to notice the change in your scent. My wolf reacted on it and he told me that you're carrying our pup." Shad said.
        "How can you take my pregnancy so lightly...? I've been used serval times by Landon.. The Oracle told me that I'd be pregnant with his child. How can you be calm and say that information without even blinking an eye..." Shad pulled me into him and kissed my forehead. "It's because I love you and you're my mate." I started crying hard again as I heard those words. 
        How lucky was I to be blessed with a mate like him? "You've been through a lot. As I started to notice that you were pregnant, I felt mad, crazy, sad, stupid, etc. But at the end of the day, I chose to understand. I feel that you don't know the child is his or mine, we don't need to panic. Wait a few more weeks before we inform the pack. You can stay in our room for the time being as we discuss what we'll tell them."
"But Shad I'm having twins."
        Right then, I saw how Shad's reaction had changed. He didn't look mad but a little bit happy. "Really? Then that's good news for us. We'll have twins running around the pack."
"I'm blessed to have you in my life." I said as I started to kiss him. I missed him so much. "I love you Mika. Always remember that."

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