Chapter 8

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*Shad's POV*

The moment I stepped in the dining room of the pack house, there was this wonderful scent that caught me. It was lavender with a tint of snow. Mika! I had to admit that she wasn't bad for my taste. With those blue eyes, I almost forgot that I hated her. I hated this stupid fucking contract.
Who the hell sets two wolves to be ones mate? They knew that the Moon Goddess gave us a potential mate. Why the hell would they push young people to mate if they aren't supposed to be mates.
When she got mad about what Josie said, I got mad. None of this would have happened if her ancestors didn't ask for help from my ancestors. I wouldn't be forced to marry a total stranger, especially since I had already promised my heart to someone else.
When I saw how Titus looked at Mika, I got mad. I was too focused on my feelings until I realized what it was. My wolf was attracted to Mika. I didn't know how but he liked the idea of being her mate, not to mention she didn't have a wolf of her own. She was just special because she was a healer. 'Accept her. She'll be a good mate.' Foster, my wolf said. As I saw Titus looking at her, Foster couldn't stop pacing inside my head. I told him to shut up and calm down but he wanted Titus to stop.
The following day I saw her on the training grounds because Corey, my second best informed me that Mika would be training with them. I didn't agree with with him, but I also wanted to see her fight. Her father told me that she was the best fighter in their pack even though she didn't have her wolf yet.
I saw how she moved swiftly, toying with one of our best fighters, Max. She was fast and strong. She was the first born, so I thought. Most of her strength came from her father's alpha genes. I wondered why she didn't have a wolf. Malcom said she was a late bloomer but she was nineteen already and yet there was no signs of her wolf. Impressive. That's all I can say.
At dinner time, I could feel the tension between Titus and Mika. I didn't know what had happened but my wolf was pissed. I lost my appetite and left them. That was the reason why I told her to sleep in my room. I knew she would protest but she didn't have a choice. She didn't want to anger my wolf. He was very possessive.
        I kept waiting in my room for almost two hours. She should have been here by now. I stood up and went to her room. I dragged her back into my room and told her to sleep in my bed. I couldn't if my wolf wouldn't stop pacing back and forth in my head. It felt weird that I felt hot beside her and I could hear her heartbeat get faster and faster. I couldn't sleep then either because part of me wanted to touch her and feel her next to me. That was so embarrassing. Her sleeping in here was a bad idea.
        After so much effort I finally fell asleep. When I woke up that morning I found her hugging me and at the same time I was cuddling her to. I was lost for words with her angelic face. She looked more beautiful when she was sleeping. I slowly moved away the hair that fell in her face and started rubbing her cheek. She didn't move or wake up.
        I got up and started my daily workout. I ordered Carly to bring Mika some food but when I came back to check on her, I saw how happy she was eating with the servant. I got angry and told Carly hat they weren't supposed to eat with each other. Servants must know their place. 'You must learn to accept that she is also an alpha female.' Foster, my wolf said.
        I sprinted out of my room and went to my office. I had a lot of things to do and I needed to introduce Mika to my pack. Had a lot of things to do because of that Snow Moon girl. "Shad, I already finished my patrol and we got a report about seeing rogues in our perimeter." Titus reported. "What do you mean T?"
"Damian and Max were patrolling the North and East side when they caught a rogue scent. It doesn't seem like they are coming in our territory but it's alerting that they're staying outside our perimeter." Titus said.
        "Form a team to investigate that and I need you to conduct a party for Mika. We need to properly introduce her to our pack." I said. "No problem. Do I need to call Leela for this? You know she's good at coordinating parties. He smirked knowing that girl was one of the servants  that had a one night stand with me. "If that pleases you. I don't care who takes care of it. Just make sure that it'll be a good party." I said.
        "Good party? Want to impress he snow princess ?" He said while smirking at me more. "Stop smirking at me Titus. If you like Mika... well sucks to suck dude she's mine now." I said to him feeling my wolves irritation. "Hey man, I'm not taking her away from you. Getting possessive now." He said while laughing. "It's not me. It's my wolf. So, stop teasing me and stop flirting with Mika." I said growling lowly.
        "Okay man, calm down. I'll go and do my duties." He said walking off. I almost threw my desk at him. For a first beta, he was very childish. Wait. Why was I getting angry because of that girl? This possessiveness from my wolf towards Mika was alarming me. I didn't expect my wolf to have a connection with Mika so easily. Did that mean? No! It was impossible.... She couldn't be my potential mate.

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