Chapter 7: Cuddles and Fighting

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After Titus left me with my mouth hanging open due to his actions, I fixed the room and read the files on the pack. There were also two healers there that made me feel like they didn't need me. I remembered my pack and realized that I was now gone, there would be no healer there. I needed to talk to Shad about this. I was afraid that they needed one, a replacement on my behalf. I called them and told them what was happening here. I also told them that I was fine and that I would talk to Shad about sending them one of his healers.

At Dinner

I couldn't look directly at Titus. He kept smirking at me, causing me to blush even more. Shad on the other hand was so quiet. He didn't even touch his food and just left. Is he not well?
I ignored him for a while and went back to my room. I fixed myself and changed into my pajamas, almost falling into my bed when a loud knock at the door interrupted me. I opened the door and a very angry Shad glared at me. "W-What is it Alpha?" I asked. "Did I tell you that you're going to be sleeping in my room Mika?" Shad shouted, making me flinch. "I-I...uh—"
before I could construct any words, Shad grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into his room. When we entered his room, he slammed the door shut. "Go to bed and sleep!" He ordered.
        I obeyed him not wanting to anger an Alpha. They were the worst creatures when they are mad  and angry. I crawled into bed and covered myself. "From now on, you will stay in this room. You will sleep next to me. Do you understand?" He said, laying in bed on the left side. "Do I have any say in this?" I snapped back. "No! And stop flirting with my first Beta. You're mine by contract so act as if you are." He said. Was I hallucinating or was he jealous? I chose the first one. Hallucinating.
        I closed my eyes but my heart started to beat faster. I could feel the heat coming from Shad and I knew he was still awake. I could sense that he was staring at my back. I cuddled the pillow next to me. Suddenly, I felt that he had fallen asleep. I turned around and started to look at his face. He looked peaceful and angelic while sleeping. He had long eye lashes and kissable lips. What the hell? I asked myself. I turned to cuddle my pillow again.
        This time I drifted to sleep but not long enough. I felt Shad's arm around my waist. I tried to escape again but this time he put one of his legs on my thigh and pulled me closer to him while breathing on my neck. I could feel little sparks all over my body and I started to panic. This was new to me. My goodness, Shad! I shouted inside my mind.
        For the first time I could smell his scent. It was addictive and very relaxing. He smelled like early forest scents hinted with a bit of vanilla. I didn't have a wolf so I couldn't smell my wolf scent but this one, this was so strong. I didn't know what was happening to me but for now, I would just let this cuddle-devil cuddle me. After a few minutes I drifted back to sleep.


        I woke up feeling like someone was carefully shaking my shoulder. "Lady Mika, your breakfast is ready. Alpha told me to bring your food here and wait until you finish eating." She said, putting the food on the table near the bed. "Thank you, Carly. Did you eat already?"
"A- hmmmm. I can't until you've finished your food my Lady." She said.
        I smiled back at her. "Come and eat with me. There's way too much food here." I giggled. "NO! I-I mean... I can't. Servants and Omegas can't eat with high-ranking wolves." She said. "Being an Omega doesn't mean that you can't be friends with me but since you said I outrank you, then sit here and eat with me. That's an order." I said smiling softly. "B-But Lady Mika, Al—" I cut her off. "I said eat with me Carly!"
        She hurried over and sat in the chair beside me and started to eat. I smiled at her. Omegas didn't deserve this kind of treatment. They are part of the pack too. Servants or not, they needed to be treated equal in this pack. I would talk to Shad about this to.
        We were half way done our food when Shad graced us with his uninvited presence. "Oh, hi Alpha Shad. You want to join us?" Carly asked politely. "What did I tell you Carly? I told you to give her food not eat with her." He shouted. Carly stumbled back on her chair and stood up. "I'm sorry Alpha. It will not happen again." Carly said almost crying. "Hey! Whats happening? I'm eating right here." I said putting a piece of bacon in my mouth. "She's not supposed to eat with you." Shad said.
"Don't yell at my friend like that Alpha. I ordered her to eat with me." I said standing and moving in front of him. "Friend? Are you insane? She's a servant!" Shad stated. "So what? Carly is my friend; I want her to eat with me and I will make her my nurse." I replied realizing that I needed someone to assist me in my clinic. "Are you insane?" Shad asked. "Insane? Should I ask you the same question? This girl is an Omega yes but it doesn't make her any less of a wolf. She deserves to be treated fairly. Just like the others."
"This is Silver Moon not Snow Moon Mika. I am the Alpha here and you are my so called Luna on the day we make our vows. You can't tell me what to do with my pack. We don't use pity here." Shad said annoyed.
        I stepped forward more. "Being unreasonable and stepping to small ones will not make you any better Shad. You're supposed to help them and protect your pack not treat the Omegas so badly because they have no rank among us." I answered. Shad clenched his teeth and turned around slamming the door behind him. "Ahmm Lady Mika, should I leave you for a while?" Carly asked. "Yes please. Take the food with you and I'll see you in the clinic. I'll need your assistance." I said smiling at her slightly. "Thank you, Lady Mika." She said before leaving the room.
        Cuddles turned into fighting. Great!

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