Chapter 12: WHAT HAPPENED?!

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        I reached the house trying to see if Shad was waiting for me inside, but he wasn't there. What was his problem? Why suddenly change his attitude? I didn't want to think it was about my best friend. I was already over my crush on Toby a long time ago.
        I went straight to the kitchen to make sandwiches right before finishing them in three bites. "Even now, you're still a pig, Piggy." I turned around to see my best friend Toby standing while smirking at the entrance. "T!" I yelled before hurriedly running into his arms. I jumped into him as he hugged me.
        "I missed you, T!"
"Awww you're too heavy Piggy." He said actually carrying me since I jumped into his arms. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Well.... I need your help. Katelynn will be giving birth next week and we don't have anyone to help her. We don't have a new healer at the pack so I decided to visit you here and ask the Alpha for you to go back for a couple weeks. There's a lot of pregnant women that'll be giving birth this month. We still can't find someone to help them." He said. "Yes, I remember that your sister Katelynn is due next week. My gosh! Come, let's talk to Shad."
        Toby followed behind me to Shad's office. I knocked three times before I entered it. "Alpha," I slightly bowed. "This is my friend, Toby and he's come to ask you something." I said. He didn't say anything as he kept his emotionless expression. He was staring at my hand that was holding Toby's. I instantly removed my hands. It wasn't a good time to make him mad. I needed something. "Alpha, I came to request Mika to go back to Snow Moon for a couple of we——"
        Toby was cut off by a thunderous sound of Shad's hand slamming against the table. "I let you in my territory when I don't even know you and now you're asking for my future Luna to leave my side and return to your pack?! How dare you." Shad said. His presence scared me. Ive never seen him that mad. What was his problem? "Alpha, it's just temporary. His sister —" he cut me off by throwing his chair at the door. "I said no." Shad said. "What the hell is your problem?!" I asked turning around and dragging Toby out with me.


        "What happened back there?" Toby asked. "I don't know. He's so much more moody then he was this morning." I said, slamming myself into my bed. I dragged him into my room. "Is this your room?" Toby asked. "Yes and no. I'm sleeping in Shad's room. This is my own personal space room." I said. "Wait... what? You're sleeping with him? In the same room?" He asked unbelievably.
        "Hey get your mind out of the gutter. We're just sleeping in the same room and bed that's it!" I said defending myself from Toby's dirty mind. "I don't want you getting in trouble because of this. Maybe I can ask the other pack to borrow their healer for a while." He said sitting on the right side of my bed.
        I moved closer to him and hugged his stomach. "I want to help you and Katelynn but my stubborn heartless Alpha is prisoning me in this pack." I said. "I'm sorry, Piggy. You're not supposed to be treated like this." He said holding my right hand.
        We were in that spot when suddenly Shad entered the room. I looked at him and I saw how furious he was. He was shaking and his claws were already showing. He was partially shifting! "Shad calm down!" I said running to his side to hold him. He might kill Toby because of his actions. "Is he your lover?" Shad asked. "He's my best friend Shad! Please stay calm, what's wrong with you?" I said feeling confused by his choice of action and the sparks when I touched him. "I want you to leave my land. I will send someone to your pack to help you with whatever needed, just leave now!" He said.
        "I will if you stop acting like a jealous Alpha in front of me. She's my best friend and your just a hypocrite that just wants to fulfill that stupid contact." Toby said with an attitude. 'Oh my god, this is really bad!'
"What did you just say?" Shad asked even more furious. "Toby please leave! I can't hold his anger any longer." I ordered Toby but he didn't move. "I won't leave you with an outraging Alpha!"
"Please go to the kitchen now, I'll talk to you later just leave us alone for a minute." I said.
         "LLLLEEEEAAAVVEE!" Shad said with a animalistic tone. His wolf had taken over his body. "Shad please list—"
"YOUUUU'RE NOOOT GGGOIIING TO LEEAVVVE" he said caging me into his arms. I could feel his rage, his anger but I was also enjoying the moment. 'What on earth is wrong with me? Enjoying the moment? Really Mika?!' 
"I won't go back to Snow Moon if you send someone that can replace my duties there." I said to him. He was smelling every part of my head and neck.
        Gracious Lord! He was nipping at my neck. Was he going to mark me? "Shad what are you doing?" I asked. "What do you think?" I could feel that he had already regained control to his body. "Are you?" I pushed him away but he pulled me back. "I'm not going to mark you yet Mika, but you need to be ready. The blue moon is coming next month. Our wedding needs to be set." He said. "What wedding? How could you set a date without telling me?"
        "I didn't set the date; I don't think you read the contract but forget about it. I need to talk to that dog of yours about his agenda." Shad said. "I'm going with him." I wish that I could've taken those words back because after I said that and realized my mistake, Shad threw me on the bed and kissed me hard, yet passionately. He bit my lip while touching every inch of my body. "You're not going and remember this, Mika. You're mine." He left me panting and breathless. What just happened?

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