"Why do you think it happened like that"? Spade asked and blonde just shook his head

"I can't say for sure, we can't jump into conclusion, it might just be a coincidence, let's wait till tomorrow, we don't know for sure why those people were killed" he muttered and Spade just ran his tongue through his teeth
"But there is one good news though, well not exactly good news but it's better than nothing" he added quickly, as Spade turned to look at him.

"What is it"? He asked.

"Apparently Batroix is the only one that survived the shooting but he's in a very critical condition, as of when he was taken to the hospital he was unconscious and bleeding with a bullet to his chest" Matteo explained and Spade just picked up the empty glass on the table, taking the scotch bottle, he poured the drink inside the glass before pouring it all in his mouth in one gulp.
He placed the cup back on the table.

The shooting can't be a coincidence, deep inside him he felt like it had something to do with mystery man that had been messing with him for weeks, but why target those specific people?

He scratched his head and let out a deep breath
"Do you think he was a target too"? Spade asked referring to Nate and Matteo just looked at him for a good few seconds before grounding his teeth together.

"I don't think so, I bet no one there even knew who he was" Matteo said "you had dealings with his father and not him, I don't think he was a target"

"You forget that he went there in his father's place" Spade muttered and Matteo just sighed out, looking at the open space in front of him, before shaking his head slowly

"I don't think he was a target Spade, if he was then you probably saved his life" Matteo muttered before he stood up, walking past Spade on the couch, he placed his hands on his shoulder and gave him a light squeeze, then a tap.
"We should probably get some sleep" he muttered before walking away towards the bedroom.

Spade just sighed out and relaxed his back on the couch, thinking about everything that happened tonight.
From the shooting to his talk with Nate, he blew out harsh air from his mouth, running his hands down his face.


Turning and tossing on the bed, he barely had 30 minutes of sleep since he laid down to sleep on the couch.
Matteo was occupying the guest bedroom and Nate was in his own room, at that thought he felt something sweet settle on his chest.

Not that the couch wasn't comfortable for him, he'd spent most of his night there, but he was lost in thoughts, his mind wouldn't let him even get a wink of sleep.

He was thinking about a lot of things, and not everything on his mind he could tell Matteo, some he had carry the burden.
There was a lot of things for him to do, he had to find Nate's sister soon, he had to deal with mystery man disrupting his life and business, he had Nate to think about and this crazy pull towards the young man, he needed to find a way through it, thinking hard if it would be a good idea to just let him know how he was feeling, what if Nate didn't feel that way for him, what if this was just him going crazy.

He shut his eyes and turned again, facing the ceiling.
He could feel his stomach tighten with a familiar ache, he needed to use the bathroom as he was pressed, so he got up, walking towards the bedroom.

He stopped in the hallway, standing between his room and the guest bedroom, he was contemplating if he should use the bathroom in his bedroom or the one in the guest bedroom, he noticed the door to his bedroom was slightly ajar, he didn't wanna wake Nate up in the middle of the night, so he settled for the guest bathroom, if Matteo was the one that woke up, that wouldn't be a problem.

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