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Wei Wuxian looked up to see that Lan Wangji - dressed in all black that was almost the reminiscence of his old day - was standing tall beside him and he was followed by Feng Xue who dressed in all black too.

He was not surprised to see him, since he was the one to invite the latter to this little birthday celebration, and also a little gift for the children because he knew how much they liked Lan Wangji - not knowing that he was their other father.

Although he suspected that the kids had already guessed, since they were so smart.

What surprised him was that Lan Wangji did not wear a veil to cover his face. Not that it was needed because no one outside of the close acquaintances and the court ministers knew what he looked like. Even back when he was still the Grand Duke, he rarely showed his face to the public.

But still.

Wei Wuxian watched as Zhuge Jun turned to face Lan Wangji and he looked very surprised - and Wei Wuxian wondered if the man knew the identity of the Emperor who was standing in front of him.

Zhuge Jun did not know that the men in front of him were the Emperor and the previous Crown Prince, however, he had this sixth sense that told him that those men were not your ordinary people - from the aura they exuded. Even the old man and the pretty woman who entered first, and the man with silver hair behind them had that same dangerous vibe.

He just wished that his friend could feel it too and shut his damn loud mouth for once. This was definitely the last time he did this favor for his stupid cousin - who had a crush on Lin Hu from the Lin family.

"Who are you?" Lin Hu pointed his finger at Lan Wangji. The man was handsome but he was conceited and he used his position as the son of the Governor to do things that he should not do without his father knowing."

"It is more polite to introduce one self before they ask for the other's name." Lan Wangji looked at Lin Hu, and then to Zhuge Jun, then to the Saintess and her bodyguards.


"Lin Hu, stop." Zhuge Jun stopped his friend from doing any more damage. He could see from the corner of his eyes that the man with silver hair took a step forward and he did not want any bloodshed especially when the Saintess was here.

"We apologize once again, Childe. My name is Zhuge Jun and this is Lin Hu, the son of the Governor." Zhuge Jun purposely did not introduce the Saintess. "May I know your name?"

"Zhuge Jun, the second son of Zhuge Huang. You're quite a smart man. I will remember you." Lan Wangji did not answer his question, instead he pressed his hand to the small.of Wei Wuxian's back. "Let's go inside. The kids must be hungry already."

Wei Wuxian nodded and both of them entered the restaurant to the second floor that was closed for only them. He was starting to get tired from the confrontation and apparently Lan Wangji could sense that by the swiftness he showed when he took him away.

When Lin Hu still insisted on entering, Feng Xue - who stayed behind - unsheathed his sword and pointed it to his neck.

"I suggest you better come back home and sober yourself before you do something that you will regret later."

"Why you..."

"Who are they?" Zhuge Jun cut Lin Hu's words to stop him from talking. Not because he cared about Lin Hu but more like he was curious about the handsome gentleman and the mysterious man behind the black veil and he was fed up with his friend's antics and selfishness.

Of course he had his hunch by the strong and dominant pheromone that both men had, but he wanted to confirm that.

"It's none of your business, son of Zhuge Huang." Feng Xue sheathed his sword and he turned to the Saintess. "You should pick a better companion, Saintess."

The Saintess gasped lightly and the bodyguards unsheathed their short daggers from their belts, but she stopped them from attacking.

"We should go." She signaled Zhuge Jun - who was ready to leave at any second, dragging his friend with him - and they left in a hurry, leaving Feng Xue sighed.

The Saintess probably recognized him anyway since he did not exactly blend into the crowd, but he didn't give a damn - and apparently so was General - Emperor Lan.

Ever since the ministers started to pressure him to get married and parade beautiful Omegas in front of him, Emperor Lan's temper had become colder and he blatantly ignored all the men and women that were being offered to him no matter how beautiful or influential they were.

Of course it was because he only loved Wei Wuxian and they also had kids together, but it was a problem by itself since Wei Wuxian refused to let Lan Wangji acknowledge the children as his.

Feng Xue groaned from frustration.

Human's life was so complicated and they did not want to be honest to themselves in order to be happy - for example, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.

If they just admitted their feelings to each other and talked about how they should make it work, he bet everyone including the children would be more happy.

He thought that it was time for him and his sister to discuss things and help those clueless people to get together. After all, he also wanted to spend more time with the kids instead of letting his crazy sister take care of them all the time.

Who knew what kind of shit she would teach the kids when no one was not around.

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