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The twins gathered around the Qilin – which had returned to its form as a horse – and they spoke in a strange language that sounded like singing.

Wei Wuxian – who happened to be walking near them – was surprised to hear the strange language that he only read about in books before.

When the twins heard his surprised gasp, they turned around to look at him with an interested look in their eyes, and they approached him.

"Hi there, Crown Prince. Are you hungry?" Feng Xue bowed respectfully while Feng Yue hooked her arm into Wei Wuxian's.

"Gege, let's eat. And afterwards, may we ride your Qilin please?" She literally shined and Wei Wuxian almost got blinded by her beauty.

Of course he saw beautiful women almost every day since he owned a courtesan house, but these twins' beauties were out of this world, especially with their piercing blue eyes. 

And from the lilting tone of their spoken words, he could guess that they were indeed not humans.

"His name is Suibian, and he only let those he approved of to ride him. You guys are welcome to try though, he has more tolerance toward supernatural beings like fairies."

Wei Wuxian saw the twins' eyes twinkling in amusement before they burst into giggles that even sounded like singing.

"You are so smart! No wonder Wangji-gege loves you so much!" Feng Yue hugged Wei Wuxian – which caused him to take a step back from the force – and she whispered something in the foreign language into his ear. 

The fairy language.

"That's a blessing for you, Crown Prince. May your life always be blessed with happiness and luck!" Feng Yue kissed Wei Wuxian's cheeks and hugged him once more – making Wei Wuxian startled from the intimacy.

As a Crown Prince, he was always alone and everyone was scared of him – or avoiding him for obvious reasons. So, when someone showed him kindness, he became very suspicious of them.

And that included Lan Wangji.

He still had no idea how to face Lan Wangji even after they met again with his obvious fondness seeped out through every fiber of his being that even a person as dense as himself could feel the warmth.

But then again, he wanted to make sure if it was temporary or not. Bringing Suibian here with him would surely help with the jiangshi situation – if only Suibian would accept Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian found the Qilin when it was still very young and got hurt by a larger predator. He nursed it to health and apparently the mythical beast took him as its parent figure since it did not want to leave Wei Wuxian.

After that, he named it Suibian and kept it in Peony Garden without anyone else knowing about its true form, including Jiang Yanli.

But apparently his worries were for naught.

Suibian yielded to Lan Wangji when the man asked for permission to ride it to exterminate the jiangshi, and it surprised Wei Wuxian to see how easy the Qilin gave him the permission.

He guessed that Lan Wangji was that kind of person anyway – someone who was blessed with perfection that even a mythical beast wanted to follow him.

It was fine. It was what he had in mind when he brought Suibian here anyway – to give it to Lan Wangji as a gift that could help him with his dangerous job.

He would feel at least a little bit of peace, knowing that Suibian was there to protect Lan Wangji – the only person who was nice to him without asking for anything in return.

"So, Xianxian-gege – may we call you that?" Feng Yue sat in front of Wei Wuxian and put her head on his lap like a child. 

"Yes, Feng Yue, I will be happy if you call me gege." Wei Wuxian patted her soft and silky hair fondly. She was just like a child with her innocence and curiosity and it made his protective instinct come out.

"Tell me more about you, gege, I want to know more about you." Her eyes were twinkling and Wei Wuxian smiled. She helped him a lot just to be by his side when Lan Wangji was out fighting the jiangshi with Feng Xue and the others. 

He knew that Lan Wangji told Feng Yue to stay behind to protect him and he was grateful for her companionship.

"Rather than listen to my boring life, why don't you tell me about you and Feng Xue? How did you know Lan Wangji? And how old are you?"

Feng Yue took her time to compose herself before she answered with the sorrowful tone of her usually cheerful voice.

"We were saved by Wangji-gege when our village was attacked by the ogres. Everyone died, and just before when the ogre tried to kill us, Wangji-gege came and killed the ogre and took us with him. Since we, fairies, were natural healers, we helped Wangji-gege with the subjugation of the mythical beasts. He kept us here because he knew that we would be captured if anyone finds out about us." She then snapped her fingers and her ears became long and a pair of transparent wings with intricate details appeared from her back. "Wangji-gege taught us to hide our ears and wings, so that we could live in peace without anyone trying to catch us."

Wei Wuxian was amazed with the appearance of the wings and ears, and he unconsciously reached out to touch the wings but then he stopped himself.

"May I?" He asked for Feng Yue's permission before he touched them. He knew that it was impolite to just touch without permission and he also knew how sensitive the ears and the wings of the fairies were.

"Yes, Xianxian-gege. You may touch them." Feng Yue beamed with proudness as she retracted her wings to its full span.

The wings were very beautiful and otherworldly, and even if they looked thin, they were actually very strong – even stronger than spider silk – and they were very smooth and cold to the touch.

"Too bad you have to hide them. They're very beautiful." 

"Thank you, Xianxian-gege, you are very beautiful too." She retracted her wings and hid them again. "It's a low price to pay if we could live in peace." Feng Yue smiled but Wei Wuxian could see that her eyes did not smile. "Anyway, I think Wangji-gege will be back tonight. Do you want to take a bath?"

After Lan Wangji was gone for almost a week, he was finally back. Unfortunately, he still did not know what to do and what to say to him, especially when Lan Wangji himself seemed to avoid him before he was gone a week ago.

But tonight, he should be able to talk to him about… everything that happened.

Or at least he hoped so.

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