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"Let me tell you a secret, Grand Duke Lan. I think you are old enough to know the truth now, especially since you are talking about love."

The Emperor put down his shisha and poured tea into the two cups. He had made his decision and he did not want his son to be led astray by some unknown bitch in heat and took away his inheritance just because of the trivial thing called love.

"I know that you want the love that your parents had, but what if what you know so far was a lie?" The Emperor drank the tea while observing the Grand Duke's expression.

Unfortunately, Lan Wangji was known for his poker face and he did not even blink when he heard the Emperor's words, so he decided to tell him. He wanted to see any expression in his son's face, instead of that usual stoic ice statue that he always wore in public.

"Did you know that Murong Xia – your mother – was originally a courtesan?"

Still no expression.

"Hmm… what about this then. Did you know that Murong Xia was my lover before I told her to marry your father?"

A hitch in the breath, but nothing more.

"No comment?"

"The past is supposed to be in the past, Your Majesty. It's no use trying to reminisce over trivial things, especially since my parents were not of this world anymore." Lan Wangji stood up as he could not stand this degrading conversation anymore.

"So, your parents did not tell you about your lineage then."

"They told me everything I needed to know, especially regarding my life. That I should follow my heart instead of the norm. And I think it's enough for me."

The answer made the Emperor boil with rage.

What did the Grand Duke Lan and Murong Xia teach his son?

Follow his heart?

That was such a bull.

If they were all able to follow their hearts instead of the strict rules and regulation, then he would be able to live happily with Murong Xia and his son, and he would be the best Emperor instead of Wei Wuxian – the weak and useless Beta with powerful back up.

If they were all able to follow their hearts, then… then he would not be shackled into this golden cage called the throne with nothing going his way.

And in the midst of rage, he shouted at Lan Wangji – who refused to listen to him, and instead, decided to choose love.

"Did you know that your mother was already pregnant when she married your father?"

The words surely had the power to stop Lan Wangji from leaving his chambers.

He turned around to face the Emperor, and his face was pale.

"What did you just say?"

The Emperor felt this kind of weird satisfaction when he saw how pale Lan Wangji's face was. The man was smart, surely he understood the meaning behind his words.

"It is as it was. Your mother was already with you when she married your father, and she was my lover before. Surely you can put things together with those facts, right?"

Lan Wangji felt like his world was crashing down on him after he was being lifted up to the sky when his love was reciprocated.

Surely the gods loved pulling pranks on them all.

A sick and twisted prank.

"So, you're saying…" He swallowed hard, and he got a sudden headache slamming his head like he was being hit by the wyvern. "Wei Wuxian… the Crown Prince… is my half brother?"

The Emperor was surprised that it was the first question that Lan Wangji asked.

He knew that Lan Wangji was always fond of the useless Crown Prince and he treated him better than the others had treated him. But he always thought that it was just because they grew up together so that they were more like brothers.

The Emperor sighed in disappointment.

"Unfortunately, yes, he is your half brother. And that's the reason why I want you to be the Emperor instead of him."

Lan Wangji did not answer, instead, he left without saying another word to the Emperor.

Heavy is the Crown (WangXian Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now