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The kids were chatting with their grandfather and Feng Yue when they caught sight of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji entering the second floor, and they squealed when they saw Lan Wangji.

“You’re here!” Xingyue the shy boy jumped on him and gave him a kiss on each cheek – followed by Yingyue.

Lan Wangji carried each kid in his arms and kissed them with so much love that Wei Wuxian felt a bit guilty for denying him his right. Maybe it was time for them to talk about stuff moving forward, but right now, they would enjoy the birthday dinner.

“Of course I’m here. Where else should I be if not with my precious on their birthday?” Lan Wangji gave both kids kisses and then Feng Xue appeared with gifts for them.

“You even brought gifts?” The kids were surprised and super happy from the expression on their faces, and Wei Wuxian felt the pang of guilt once again.

The children clearly loved their other father as much as they loved him, but even though they had the feelings, they did not question his decision to not tell them about Lan Wangji’s real identity – although he suspected that they felt the connection already.

“Of course I brought gifts.” He took the long shaped box and gave it to Yingyue. “This is for you, I hope you like it.”

Yingyue opened the box excitedly and found a pure black bow inside.

“Wowwwww, it’s beautiful!!!” She jumped up and down and then hugged Lan Wangji once again.

Wei Wuxian saw the bow and he gasped.

The bow was the one that the previous Grand Duke Lan treasured so much, he always used it when he went on to monster subjugation.

It was made from one of the legs of the giant poisonous mythical beast – Queen Spider – and it didn’t need a physical arrow. Just by using internal force, it would transform the qi into poisonous arrows that would pierce the enemies and turn them into dust. It was also strong enough to be used to hit the closing enemies. In short, the bow was a very versatile weapon.

“Lan Zhan… isn’t that your…”

“Yes, Wei Ying. And I think our Yingyue is fit to be its new master. Although you have to cultivate more so that you can use this bow with your qi.” He ruffled the girl’s hair and then took the other box and gave it to Xingyue.

“Xingyue, this is for you.”

Xingyue opened the box and took out a golden Bagua and Wei Wuxian gasped once again.

“That’s the magical Bagua of the Lan Family.” He pointed at the magical bagua that was held by Xingyue excitedly.

The bagua was the 8 trigram that was made from pure gold and had a mythical ability to fend off the enemies, make arrays, read the stars and also the future if you were skillful enough. It was rumored that this was the bagua that once belonged to Zhuge Liang, but he gifted it to his best friend – the Archduke of Lan – as the sign of their friendship.

“Yingyue is smart enough to use this, rather than collecting dust inside the warehouse.” Lan Wangji kissed both children’s hair and held them close. “Now, put aside the gifts and let’s eat.”

The children obediently put each of their gifts into their dimensional rings, and they started to chatter and eat the delicious seafood – from fresh uni, salmon, tuna belly sashimi, grilled black miso cod, huge crabs that was steamed and cooked in spicy tomato and eggs, lobsters with black pepper sauce, abalone porridge, cold jellyfish in sesame sauce, baby octopus, drunken shrimps, deep fried squids, and many many more that made everyone ooh and aah over the variety of the dishes.

“These are…” Wei Wuxian was flabbergasted by the choice of the dishes that exceeded what he ordered, and he knew exactly who the perpetrator was. “Feng Yue, is this your doing?” He sighed.

Of course money was not the problem since he had a lot of them, especially from the Peony Garden. He just wanted to take the first step slowly because who knew if the kids were allergic to seafood?

“No?” Feng Yue shrugged as she stuffed her face with the crab. “This restaurant belongs to Wangji-gege, so he prepared everything for us. And it's an all you can eat buffet. Yay!”

“Yay!” The kids followed her and each took a crab leg and started to crack them up and sucked the inside – following Feng Yue’s doing.

“Of course.” He sighed while Lan Wangji smiled and pulled him closer.

“I just want the best for my… the kids, and you.” He kissed Wei Wuxian’s hair softly and squeezed his waist. “You deserve the best of everything, and I will give you all, even if you ask for the stars and the moon.”

“Such a flirt.” Wei Wuxian’s face reddened. He never knew that Lan Wangji could say things like this, and he did not know what to do about it. He could even smell the fresh scent of Lan Wangji’s pheromone and he was kinda aroused from it, so he pushed him away then cleared his throat to prevent a further accident.

“Kids, please immediately inform us if you feel itchy or you suddenly can’t breathe. It means that you are allergic to seafood, and we need to stop eating right away.”

“Yeess baba…” The kids obediently nodded and continued to eat the squiggly jellyfish while their grandfather laddled the abalone porridge into their bowl and cracked open the lobster for them.

Who would have thought that Hei Changze turned from the leader of the assassin into a normal grandfather who coddled his grandchildren.

After waiting for fifteen minutes and getting no allergic reaction from the kids, Wei Wuxian finally let out a long sigh and Lan Wangji chuckled and cut the crab open and fed them to Wei Wuxian.

“Stop worrying and eat.” He also took the lobster and opened it to reveal the white flesh and also fed it to Wei Wuxian.

“Stop it.” Wei Wuxian hissed and blushed. “The kids are watching.”

“So?” Lan Wangji didn’t give a fuck as he peeled the shrimps and put it on Wei Wuxian’s plate. “You’re my mate, and I am yours. You may not want to admit it but I will gladly announce to the whole world the moment you give me permission to do so.”

Wei Wuxian was flabbergasted with the sudden love declaration and wondered what got into him. But mostly, he could not retort his statement so he just shut his mouth and ate whatever Lan Wangji put on his plate while thinking of the future.

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