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It took them a whole week to get over their heat, and when they did, Wei Wuxian jolted up from the sex haze and found a tray full of breakfast and drink – but no Lan Wangji.

Wen Qing – who brought a basin of water to wash his face – asked him if he would like to have a bath.

Wei Wuxian knew that he smelled like sex and pheromone, and he agreed immediately to the offer of a warm and calming bath.

“Oh, by the way, Your Majesty left this morning because he has something important to do. He said he will be back as soon as possible.” Wen Qing informed Wei Wuxian as she checked his pulse.

As her doctor, she still monitored his condition every now and then even though he looked healthy. Without his mate by his side and provided him with what he needed, he was in risk of falling into a depression, especially when he already had the history to begin with.

Wen Qing did not agree with his methods of running away from the Emperor without telling him anything in the first place, since the Emperor had the right to know about his children too. But as a lowly servant, she decided to keep her opinion to herself. As long as Wei Wuxian was safe and healthy, the problem of their hearts was not hers to interfere with.

Wei Wuxian nodded as he understood that as the Emperor, Lan Wangji had obligations and duty toward their people, and he wouldn’t be so selfish to try to monopolize him for himself.

And yet, it still made him sad.

He realized that as long as Lan Wangji was still the Emperor, they would not be able to live normally, and to see each other any time they wanted.

But still he had a sliver of hope that maybe one day, they would be able to be together – especially since he knew that the twins would have another sibling or two soon.

Wei Wuxian touched his flat stomach fondly.

Of course it was still too early but he just had a feeling that he would get heavy with another baby soon.

And maybe when he did, he would be ready to discuss with Lan Wangji about their future – together.

The children were playing with their new birthday gifts while Wen Ning accompanied them to the open field near their house. They usually played alone while he hunted for rabbits or boar to eat, and so far, nothing had ever happened since Feng Yue erected a barrier around the whole mountain and they restricted access to other people – and today was no different.

He left the kids to play for a while since their grandfather or Feng Yue would come soon enough to keep an eye on them, and he went deeper into the woods to check the traps.

The first two traps that he set up were still intact, but he wasn’t worried because there were still some more traps, so he walked deeper to check the others. And as he thought, the third trap yielded a great result with a wild boar caught in it.

Wen Ning was very excited as he approached the boar carefully with his bow and arrows to quickly kill the boar, when his instinct suddenly warned him of an impending danger.

As per Feng Yue and Grandpa Hei’s instruction, the safest way for him to avoid unseen danger was to make himself as flat as the surface he stood on, so he quickly dropped down to the floor and a second later he could hear an arrow swished from his right and if he was still standing, it would pierce his neck and render him dead.

But who?

Who dared to trespass?

More importantly, who had the ability to trespass the fairy barrier that Feng Yue erected without the owner’s permission?

Unfortunately he could not do the thinking first, since he knew that he had to go back to the kids. But before that, he took out a small wooden whistle and blew it loudly.

The whistle did not have a sound, but it was meant to be like that since there was one person that could hear the frequency and be alerted about this dire situation.

The children were still playing with themselves when suddenly Yingyue heard a faint rustle sound from their blind spot, and she quickly pointed her bow and arrows and shot at it. Her instinct told her that there was something lurking in the shadows and that they were in danger. So she did what Feng Yue told her to do when they were in this kind of situation.

“Xingyue, we need to go.” She grabbed her brother – who was also already alerted by the strange presence all around them – and they started to flee toward their home.

Feng Yue was just waking up and checking the barrier when she noticed that there was something strange with it.

There was a sign that someone had been tampering with the barrier and she had a bad feeling about it – right about when she heard the emergency soundless whistle that no ordinary human could hear except for her and her brother.

She gave Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning and the kids one each for an emergency, and she immediately ran out toward the forest where the whistle was sounded.

Hei Changze – who was hanging the laundry – saw her face and he immediately knew that something had happened, and he abandoned the laundry to follow her.

“What happened?” He asked Feng Yue while they ran toward the forest.

“The whistle.” She answered and Hei Changze paled.

“Let’s hurry then.”

They quickly moved to the place where they knew the children would be – while hoping and praying that nothing happened to them, and the whistle and the barrier were just false alarms.

Unfortunately, Feng Yue’s sense screamed that this was a real situation, and she had very bad feelings about it. She just hoped that they got there on time to make sure that everything was fine.

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