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"...ness… Your Royal Highness!" 

Wen Ning looked scared when he realized that the Crown Prince didn't even budge even though he called him many times already. 

He was about to fetch his sister when Wei Wuxian's silver eyes suddenly opened, and he gasped when he saw how brilliant the color was – a sign of a dominant Omega – and he knew that it was time for the Crown Prince to consume yet another poison to hide his eyes and his strong pheromone.

Wen Ning himself was a Beta, so he didn't quite understand the world of the Alphas and the Omegas, but he knew that the man he was in charge of was suffering badly from the accumulated poison that they called suppressant, and it started to make him lose his mind.

He was already addicted to opium and alcohol – just to alleviate the pain from the suppressant – and lately, even the strongest substance could not help him with his pain. And he knew that it was time to up his dosage – again.

He didn't know how the Crown Prince handled all those poison and the sinister glares from the Emperor and his ministers – or even the pity looks from the Prime Minister – his own grandfather.

But most of all, he couldn't understand the Empress at all, judging by the way she treated her own son.

She called for him to see her right now, knowing that this was the Crown Prince's time to take the suppressant – which would cause his whole body to feel like it had been pricked by a thousand needles and burned with acid.

She knew that and still requested for his attendance – which should easily be postponed until after the effect subsided. But since the Empress was also a sadist, she had a high when she watched her own son squirm in pain in front of her, and that was how she exerted her dominance.

"Know your place and become the Emperor if you want to escape this hell."

That was basically the words she said every time she met her own son and it made Wen Ning super grateful for his own parents – who always loved and cherished him and his sister.

And right about when he thought about his sister, the knock was heard and he knew that his sister was the one who was behind the closed door, since it was the time for the Crown Prince to take the suppressant.

When he opened his eyes, Wei Wuxian suddenly realized that he was still inside the pool, and the water had cooled down, leaving him cold. That meant that some time had already passed since he first entered the steaming hot water, and he realized that he needed to get out of there to prepare himself for what was going to come.

And when the knock was heard from his door, his body stiffened and his heart raced, from the memory of the pain that he never got used to.

"I'll open the door, Your Highness." Wen Ning helped Wei Wuxian get out of the pool and he took the long robe to cover him before he opened the door and revealed Wen Qing with a bowl of the suppressant disguised as a health tonic.

"Your Royal Highness." Wen Qing entered and curtsied before she put the bowl beside Wei Wuxian's bedside table. "How are you feeling today?"

It was nice of her to ask Wei Wuxian about his feelings, when she knew exactly how he felt about everything. Or maybe it was sarcasm? Wei Wuxian couldn't even read the nuance and the hidden meaning behind others' words any longer, ever since his dosage was upped about a month ago. It was probably the side effect of being high twenty four hours a day, seven times a week.

"Better than before." The lie came out as easily as breathing. "But I think it's time for you to add the dosage." Even talking only this much had made him out of breath already, so he decided to lie down on his bed before he passed out.

Then after a full minute passed, he propped his body up and drank the suppressant.

Wen Qing observed Wei Wuxian for a long time while he drank without changing any facial muscles.

It was hard, because the drink tasted like shit, and afterward he would feel like dying for the rest of the day.

Maybe it was easier to just give up and die. 

He had nothing and no one, and no one loved him or even wanted him around. He was no different with those living dead, but maybe they were better because they're dead and they could not feel a thing. 

No pain. No politics. Only the welcoming darkness.

"Don't ever do that, Your Highness." Wen Qing's voice suddenly pierced through the fog inside his brain. "The Grand Duke Lan has come back. Please don't even think about doing anything stupid."


What was it with Grand Duke Lan? Why did everyone seem to look up to him? And what's with the comment that Lan Wangji has come back and to not do anything stupid?

They didn't even have any relationship except some vague memories about their shared childhood. But then again, opium and alcohol could do that. Destroyed the last of his brain cells.

It was hard to think when he was being high all the time, but it was the only way to escape the pain – especially since he knew that his mother got off by seeing him in pain.

And speaking of his mother.

"The Empress requested your audience now, Your Highness." Wen Ning looked very uncomfortable when he said that, and Wei Wuxian understood.

He knew he was being punished for being a dirty Omega, instead of the Alpha that the Empress wanted. And although he didn't understand why, he was instilled from young that your parents were to be respected and honored, no matter what happened, no matter what they did.

Well, this was him respecting and honoring the one who brought him out to the world, although he knew that his filial piety would kill him first before he could be the Emperor.

"Prepare my robe, please." Wei Wuxian spoke softly to Wen Ning. 

The effect of the suppressant was immediate, and both siblings saw how the brilliant color of his eyes turned into the dull shade of dark gray – as if the light had been extinguished off them. 

They also knew that the pain had started, from how Wei Wuxian's hands started to tremble lightly as Wen Ning put on the robe – layer by layer – and noticed how skinny Wei Wuxian was. 

He could not stomach solid food, and preferred alcohol and opium as his daily food – with an occasional bone broth and porridge – since he would vomit all the solid ones right out after consumption.

"I also prepared this for you, Your Highness." Wen Qing gave him a bottle of the strongest liquor that she could find, and Wei Wuxian gave her a small smile of appreciation – which Wen Qing knew would be hurt as hell.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Then he drank it straight from the bottle in a few gulps.

It helped.

The liquor helped numb his pain, although just a little bit.

But a little bit was all that he needed.

And now it was time to face the Empress.

Heavy is the Crown (WangXian Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now