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June 8th, 2016
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For a week, Brandy had been giving Ace the silent treatment. But this morning, as she stood by the stove preparing breakfast, he couldn't bear it any longer. Sneaking up behind her, he enveloped her in a tender embrace, his words soft and apologetic as he sought to mend the rift between them.

"I'm sorry, Brandy," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear. "I hate seeing you upset like this. Can we talk?"

She stiffened at his touch, torn between anger and a flicker of longing for the familiarity of their relationship. "I don't know, Ace. It's been a rough week."

"I know, and I regret every moment of it," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "I miss us, Brandy. I miss you."

She gently extricated herself from his embrace, her movements deliberate as she resumed her task at the stove. Ace stood there, his sigh heavy with the weight of regret, yearning to bridge the widening chasm.

"Brandy, please," he implored. "I know I messed up, but I want to make things right. Can we at least talk about it?"

Her anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the memory of his betrayal in their own bedroom. "You slept with someone else, Ace. Right here, where we live!"

His expression faltered, guilt flashing in his eyes as her words pierced through him. "I know. I messed up, and I'm sorry."

She turned to face him, her gaze unwavering. "You said we weren't even official. So, fine. Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore."

"Baby, please. I made a mistake, but I love you. You're the only one I want."

Brandy's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. "I need some time. I need to figure things out."

She struggled to find her appetite, her thoughts consumed by the tangled mess of her emotions. She appreciated Ace's efforts to mend their relationship, yet the recent developments with Grant left her uncertain about the future. Despite her inner turmoil, she soldiered on, finishing the breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast that she had prepared. As they sat at the table, the weight of Ace's gaze bore down on her, stirring a sense of discomfort that lingered throughout the meal.

Feeling Ace's intense stare, she cleared her throat, breaking the silence that hung between them like a heavy fog.

"What?" she finally asked, her tone more curt than she intended.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat before speaking. "I just... I miss you, Brandy. I miss us."

Brandy sighed, pushing her food around her plate. "I miss us too. But things are different now."

He reached across the table, his hand hovering uncertainly over hers. "We can make things right, baby. I promise."

She hesitated, meeting his gaze for a moment before averting her eyes. "You hurt me. It's hard, Ace."

He nodded solemnly, withdrawing his hand. "I get it. Just know that I'm here for you, whenever you're ready."

Their conversation lapsed into an uneasy silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they finished their breakfast.

Once the dishes were clean and neatly stacked, Brandy dried her hands on a towel and glanced towards the living room where Ace was engrossed in a seemingly important phone call. She longed to reach out to Grant again, to seek the solace he provided, but she knew she had to give him space, especially with Victoria in the picture. The thought of Grant's wife dampened her spirits, reminding her of the reality of their situation. She was now just the other woman, a role she never imagined herself in. It was a bitter pill to swallow, realizing she was entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal.

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