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November 29th, 2015
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"Everything looks good. We can go to the courthouse and have them filed tomorrow."

As Brandy perused the documents that lay before her on the mahogany coffee table, a deep sigh escaped her lips. Nevertheless, she felt a sense of relief knowing that some semblance of serenity was within reach, if only for a fleeting moment. Having heeded Grant's advice, she had taken the initiative to complete a petition for a restraining order against Keith. If she was to truly achieve sobriety and make substantial headway in her personal growth, she had to sever all ties with the toxic influence that was Keith. Although her primary concern was River, and the possibility of never seeing him again, Brandy knew that the restraining order would only be valid for a few short months. She could always return once she had attained the level of sobriety she desired.

"Oh, before I forget, I have something for you, Brandy," Grant said, standing up from the couch and disappearing inside, her eyes following him. Seating himself on the carpeted floor before her, his legs crossed in a relaxed manner, he extended the small package toward her.

Inquisitively, Brandy queried, "What is it?"

With nimble fingers, he deftly unwrapped the package, revealing a sleek device nestled within. "I know you left your old phone at the hospital when you ran away, so I thought I'd buy you a new one. You need something to communicate with."

A grateful smile lit up her countenance, as she accepted the gift with a gentle touch. "You didn't have to, but thank you."

"Don't thank me. It's the least I can do."

"Aren't phones like this expensive?" She powered on the device by pushing a small button, staring at it in awe. She had never held something so expensive; she almost felt bad that he had gone to such lengths for her. "I'm sorry for making you spend so much money."

Grant's fingers traced a gentle path down Brandy's cheek, his touch evoking an unspoken intimacy between them. In a hushed tone, he spoke, "It didn't cost much. It's okay, Brandy. Don't worry."

As his blue eyes locked onto hers, an indescribable warmth blossomed within her chest, a feeling that was at once comforting and overwhelming. The subtle caress of his fingertips lingered on her skin, leaving an impression that was indelible and unforgettable. The depth of his unwavering gaze seemed to penetrate her very soul, exposing her vulnerabilities and insecurities. Yet, despite the rawness of her emotions, she found comfort in the fact that Grant was there with her, a steady presence in a turbulent world. 

"Thank you, Grant. Not just for the phone, but for everything. I know I can be difficult to put up with. And I'm sorry for what I did yesterday." Looking at the light bruises she'd left on his face filled her with guilt. She couldn't believe that he'd let her use him as her punching bag. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I've had worse injuries from shaving."

His joke brought a glimmer of levity to the heavy atmosphere, and a smile spread across her face, the first genuine one she had worn in weeks. 

Grant's gaze softened as he took in the sight of her smile, the way it transformed her features. "You're pretty when you smile," he said.

"Oh... thanks." She paid attention to the device, though she was keenly aware of the way he examined her. She couldn't help but wonder what he saw when he looked at her, what secrets her eyes and smile betrayed.

His attention was drawn to the way a lock of hair fell in front of her face. Without thinking, he reached out and tucked it behind her ear, his touch lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. When she glanced up at him, she noticed how close their lips were, how her senses were enveloped by him – by his woodsy scent, by his image, by the sound of his gentle breathing. Their lips were just an inch away from each other, and she could feel her heart pounding with anticipation. She was aware of the sound of her own breathing, the softness of his breath on her lips. And she was consumed by a desire to taste him, to experience the softness of his lips against her own.

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