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November 23rd, 2015
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It was just like Keith to act as if everything was normal.

At the break of dawn, he stirred from his slumber without disturbing Brandy, who lay nestled in their bed with little River cradled close to her chest. With utmost care, he tiptoed his way to the bathroom, where he refreshed himself with a quick shower before slipping into his police uniform. He brewed a pot of coffee for himself, taking his time before stepping out of the apartment. It wasn't the thought of work that held him back, but rather the reluctance to face his girlfriend.

The events of three nights ago had left his mind in a fog, with only disjointed memories and jumbled emotions remaining. He recalled the pain in Brandy's eyes as he struck her, the way River had clung to her for comfort, and the feeling of release as he finally broke down in tears. But try as he might, Keith couldn't piece together the exact sequence of events that had led to his emotional outburst. It was as though his mind had shut down in self-preservation, protecting him from the full impact of his own violent actions.

Nevertheless, he had to move on. What was the point of wallowing in his mistakes? He couldn't undo the past. So, as he got ready for work, he resolved to make things right with Brandy. Perhaps a beautiful bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates would bring a smile to her face and show her that he cared. It had been a while since he had done anything kind for her, and after the recent outburst, he felt it was only right to try and make amends before she could even entertain the thought of fleeing to the domestic violence shelter.

The soft hum of the engine and the faint sound of the waking city provided a calming soundtrack to Keith's thoughts. He took a long drag from his cigarette, letting the smoke swirl around his head before he exhaled it out the window. The mist had grown thicker, and he could barely see beyond the streetlights.

As he drove, he couldn't help but wonder if he was truly cut out for this job. Being a cop meant dealing with all sorts of people, and he wasn't sure if he had the patience or the empathy required to handle them all. But for now, it was all he had, and he couldn't afford to lose it. It paid all the bills and earned him some respect. It was also a good distraction. He just hoped that today he'd get to catch some real bad guys, not teenagers using their fake IDs or shoplifting from convenience stores. 

It was six on the dot when he arrived for his shift. He didn't have to start patrolling immediately, so he went to his desk and decided to finish up some of the leftover paperwork he left behind. Maverick walked into the precinct five minutes later, being his usual bubbly self and making small talk with everybody he happened to run into before taking a seat at his own desk. 

Keith acknowledged Maverick with a nod before returning his attention to the stack of papers in front of him. He wasn't in the mood for small talk, not after what had happened at home. 

"Hey, man. How's it going?"

"What's gotten you all smiley?" Keith asked, hardly looking up from his papers.

"I can't be in a good mood?" his partner retorted humorously. 

"It's six-fifteen in the morning."

Maverick continued, undeterred by Keith's lack of interest. "Come on, man, don't be such a buzzkill."

He grunted in response, not particularly interested in his partner's attempt at making conversation. He continued to focus on the paperwork in front of him, trying to push his personal problems to the back of his mind.

Maverick rolled his eyes. "So, any special plans for today?"

"Just the usual. Patrolling the streets, keeping the peace."

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